1988 US warship shoots down Iranian airliner

An American naval warship patrolling in the Persian Gulf has shot down an Iranian passenger jet after apparently mistaking it for an F-14 fighter. All those

1997 Hong Kong handed over to Chinese control

Hong Kong has been handed back to the Chinese authorities - ending more than 150 years of British control. The British flag was lowered over Government House

2004 US transfers power back to Iraq

The United States has handed power back to the Iraqi people at a low-key ceremony in Baghdad. US administrator Paul Bremer transferred sovereignty to an Iraqi judge

1986 US guilty of backing Contras

The United States has been found guilty of violating international law by supporting armed Contra rebels in Nicaragua. The International Court of Justice ruled that the

1963: Kennedy: ‘Ich bin ein Berliner’

The US President, John F Kennedy, has made a ground-breaking speech in Berlin offering American solidarity to the citizens of West Germany. A crowd of 120,000

1950 UN condemns North Korean invasion

North Korea has invaded South Korea at several points along the two countries’ joint border. The United Nations Security Council (UNSC) has denounced North Korea’s actions

1983 US astronaut Sally Ride returns

America’s first woman in space has returned safely to Earth in the Challenger space shuttle after a successful six-day flight. Sally Ride, aged 32, captured the media’s

1945 US troops take Okinawa

The Japanese island of Okinawa has finally fallen to the Americans after a long and bloody battle. The island, situated 340 miles (550km) south of the Japanese

1965 Students protest after Algiers coup

Police in the Algerian capital Algiers have broken up demonstrations by hundreds of people who have taken to the streets chanting slogans in support of deposed President

1986 Soviets launch space station Mir

The Soviets have opened a new phase in space exploration with the launch of the world’s biggest space station, Mir. The successful launch of Mir comes

1999 Anti-capitalism demo turns violent

The rally was timed to coincide with the start of a summit of the world’s richest countries in Germany. More than 4,000 people took to the

1980 Government announces missile sites

Secretary of State for Defence Francis Pym told the House of Commons the 160 missiles would be located at RAF Greenham Common, Berkshire, and the disused

1967 Moscow calls for UN action against Israel

The United Nations Security Council has rejected Soviet demands for an immediate vote on a resolution condemning Israel’s aggression in the six-day war. Moscow - which

1986 Labour expels Militant Hatton

Derek Hatton, the controversial deputy leader of Liverpool Council, has been thrown out of the Labour Party for belonging to the left-wing Militant faction. Mr Hatton, who

1981 Israel bombs Baghdad nuclear reactor

The Israelis have bombed a French-built nuclear plant near Iraq’s capital, Baghdad, saying they believed it was designed to make nuclear weapons to destroy Israel. It

1975 UK embraces Europe in referendum

British voters have backed the UK’s continued membership of the European Economic Community by a large majority in the country’s first nationwide referendum. Just over 67%

1967 Israel launches attack on Egypt

Israeli forces have launched a pre-emptive attack on Egypt and destroyed nearly 400 Egypt-based military aircraft. Fighting broke out on the Israel-Egypt border but then quickly

1991 UK army spending to be cut

Britain is to reduce the amount it spends on the army by more than a quarter over the next five years, Defence Secretary Tom King has confirmed.

1962: 130 die in Paris air crash

A chartered Air France Boeing 707 headed for Atlanta, Georgia, has crashed on take-off at Orly Airport in Paris, killing 130 people on board. It is the

1998 Ginger leaves the Spice Girls

Geri Halliwell, aka Ginger Spice, has left the chart-topping Spice Girls band. The announcement follows days of increasingly feverish speculation, after Geri - the driving force

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