2001 French ex-minister jailed over sleaze

Former French Foreign Minister Roland Dumas has been jailed for six months in the country’s biggest sleaze scandal in recent history. The 78-year-old judge and close

1968 Manchester Utd win European Cup

Manchester United have become the first English club to win the European Cup beating Portuguese side Benfica by four goals to one. Ten years after the Munich

1951 Glasgow powers up for the Festival

Her Royal Highness, Princess Elizabeth, has formally opened the Exhibition of Industrial Power in Glasgow, the latest show in the Festival of Britain. The exhibition tells

1964 Light goes out in India as Nehru dies

He was taken ill in the early hours of this morning at his house in New Delhi. He had returned from holiday at a hill station

1975 Journalists leave fallen Saigon

A group of 80 reporters and cameramen - including nine Britons - have been allowed to fly out of Saigon to Vientiane in Laos. They are

1977 Dutch children held hostage

More than 100 children and six teachers have been taken hostage in a primary school in northern Holland. The Dutch Prime Minister, Joop den Uyl, said

1972: President Nixon arrives in Moscow

America’s President Richard Nixon has arrived in Moscow for talks with Soviet leaders. He was given a modest welcome as he stepped off the plane at

1991 Bomb kills India’s former leader Rajiv Gandhi

Rajiv Gandhi, the 46-year-old former Indian prime minister, has been assassinated. He was campaigning for the Congress Party on the second day of voting in the

1965 British police to be issued with tear gas

Britain’s police are to be armed with tear gas guns and grenades to be used against armed criminals or dangerous individuals. The Home Secretary, Sir Frank Soskice,

1978 Charlie Chaplin’s stolen body found

The coffin containing the body of Charlie Chaplin - missing since his grave was robbed 11 weeks ago - has been found.  It was dug up

1986 Soviets launch space station Mir

The Soviets have opened a new phase in space exploration with the launch of the world’s biggest space station, Mir. The successful launch of Mir comes

1955 Communist states sign Warsaw Pact

The Soviet Union and its Eastern Bloc allies have signed a security pact in the Polish capital, Warsaw, after a three-day conference. Announcements in Warsaw and

1981 Thousands see Pope shot in Rome

The Pope has been shot four times as he blessed the crowds in St Peter’s Square in Rome. Surgeons have performed a five-hour operation and say

1994 Mandela becomes SA’s first black president

Mr Mandela’s African National Congress (ANC) party won 252 of the 400 seats in the first democratic elections of South Africa’s history. The inauguration ceremony took place

1972 Israeli commandos storm hijacked jet

Twelve Israeli soldiers disguised as maintenance staff have stormed a hijacked Sabena Boeing at Lod airport in Tel Aviv and released the 100 people on board.

2000 Sneak preview of new Tate Modern

The Tate Modern art gallery in London has opened its doors to the world’s media ahead of the official opening by the Queen on May 11. The

1984 Moscow pulls out of US Olympics

Twelve weeks before the opening ceremony of the Los Angeles Olympic Games, the USSR has announced it is boycotting them. It is expected most of the Eastern

1966 Moors murderers jailed for life

Ian Brady and his lover Myra Hindley have been sentenced to life imprisonment for the so-called Moors murders at Chester Assizes. Judge Fenton Atkinson imposed three

2000 Leading stock exchanges plan merger

The London Stock Exchange and Germany’s Deutsche Boerse have confirmed they are to merge, creating the world’s second largest stock market. The combined firms will be called

1945 Germany announces Hitler is dead

Adolf Hitler has been killed at the Reich Chancery in Berlin, according to Hamburg radio. At 2230 local time a newsreader announced that reports from the Fuhrer’s

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