This Day in History | 1982 Dozens killed as Argentines hit British ships

HMS Coventry managed to destroy two Argentine Skyhawk planes with Sea Dart missiles. Another wave of Skyhawks hit her four times with 1,000 bombs. She capsized, losing 21 of her

This Day in History | 1975 Journalists leave fallen Saigon

They are the first Westerners to leave the capital of South Vietnam since it fell to communist forces on 29 April. That day there were chaotic scenes in Saigon as desperate

This Day in History | 1998 Leaders welcome ‘yes’ vote for N Ireland

The referendum, held yesterday on both sides of the border, returned a resounding “yes” vote with 71% of voters from Northern Ireland and 94% of those in the Irish Republic

This Day in History | 1958 High Wycombe weighs new mayor

The annual custom dates back to medieval times and is unique to this Buckinghamshire market town. Weight is no longer an election issue, but for custom’s sake the new mayor, Councillor

This Day in History | 2004 Angry dads hit Blair with purple flour

The PM was speaking at the despatch box during his weekly question and answer session soon after midday when father-of-two Ron Davies threw two missiles from the front of the

This Day in History | 1944 Monte Cassino falls to the Allies

Polish troops entered the hill-top abbey this morning, six days after the latest attacks began on this strategic stronghold at the western end of the German defensive position known as

This Day in History | 1978 Charlie Chaplin’s stolen body found

It was dug up from a field about a mile away from the Chaplin home in Corsier near Lausanne, Switzerland. The legendary comedian died on Christmas Day last year, aged 88.

This Day in History | 1981 Thousands see Pope shot in Rome

Surgeons have performed a five-hour operation and say they hope he will make a full recovery. At about 1715 local time, the Pope was being driven in his Popemobile through a

This Day in History | 1971 Row rocks Rolling Stone wedding

The civil ceremony was held up for almost an hour-and-a-half, after bitter arguments between Mr Jagger’s spokesman and the police over the number of reporters and photographers in the wedding

This Day in History | 1971 Britain’s oldest tabloid closes

Enclosed in today’s souvenir issue was a copy of its sister paper the Daily Mail to which owners Harmsworth Publications hope former Sketch readers will now switch. However, production of the

This Day in History | 1940 Churchill takes helm as Germans advance

The invasion began at dawn with large numbers of aeroplanes attacking the main aerodromes and landing troops. The Dutch High Commission says more than 100 German planes were shot down

This Day in History | 1979 El Salvador cathedral bloodbath

The protest in the Central American country was organized by the left-wing group known as the Popular Revolutionary Bloc. Witnesses said the steps of the cathedral were littered with bodies. Freelance

This Day in History | 1960 Margaret weds Armstrong-Jones

More than 20 million viewers tuned in to watch the first ever televised royal wedding service. Thousands, including many international and commonwealth visitors, lined the streets of central London to witness

This Day in History | 1955 Dr Salk promotes polio vaccine in UK

Margaret Jenkins, aged 21, of Bromley in Kent became the 500,000th person in London to receive the polio vaccine in the first of two injections at the special lunchtime clinic

This Day in History | 1982 Argentines destroy HMS Sheffield

The sinking has shocked the British nation and foiled any possible diplomatic solution to the current dispute over the Falkland Islands between Britain and Argentina. The ship caught fire when a

This Day in History | 1951 King George opens Festival of Britain

The festival has been organised to mark the centenary of the Great Exhibition of 1851. It is intended to demonstrate Britain’s contribution to civilisation, past, present, and future, in the

This Day in History | 1993 Queen to open Palace doors

Much of the Palace, including the Queen’s private apartments, will remain closed, however, and the Queen herself will not be at home. The Palace will open only during August and

This Day in History | 1945 Italian partisans kill Mussolini

Their bodies were taken to Milan from the Lecco district near Lake Como where they were arrested and then killed yesterday. According to the Times correspondent in Milan, the corpses of

This Day in History | 1945 Russians and Americans link at Elbe

Statements have been released simultaneously in London, Moscow and Washington this evening reaffirming the determination of the three Allied powers to complete the destruction of the Third Reich. According to a

This Day in History | 1984 Reagan arrives in China

He arrived with his wife, Nancy Reagan, just after 1400 local time (0600 GMT), and was driven to Tiananmen Square, in the centre of the Chinese capital, Beijing, for a

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