This Day in History | 1980 Tehran hostage rescue mission fails

President Carter announced the disastrous mission in a broadcast to the nation earlier today. “I ordered this rescue mission prepared in order to safeguard American lives and protect America’s national interests,

This Day in History | 1997 Troops storm embassy in Peru

All 14 Tupac Amaru rebels were killed, including their leader, Nestor Cerpa Cartolini. One hostage - supreme court judge Carlos Giusti Acuna - died, as well as two Peruvian soldiers. The end

This Day in History | 1945 Red Army enters outskirts of Berlin

The Red Army approached the German capital from three directions, north, east and south-east. The northeastern suburb of Weissensee is the closest to the center being only three miles away. The

This Day in History | 1953 UN and Korea begin prisoner exchange

One hundred United Nations prisoners were freed today under Operation “Little Switch”. They included 12 Britons, 30 Americans, 50 South Koreans, four Turks, one Canadian, one South African, one Greek

This Day in History | 2005 Ratzinger is elected as new Pope

His arrival was greeted by loud cheers from the many thousands of pilgrims who had packed St Peter’s Square as news of his election spread across Rome. He was chosen on

This Day in History | 1994 Killing spreads in Rwanda

Tens of thousands of people are believed to have died since Rwanda’s president died in a suspicious plane crash on 6 April. The killing has mainly been carried out by Hutu

This Day in History | 1989 Football fans crushed at Hillsborough

They were crushed to death at Hillsborough stadium in Sheffield during the FA Cup semi-final between Nottingham Forest and Liverpool. The crush is said to have resulted from too many Liverpool

This Day in History | 1968 Berlin student unrest worsens

Students blocked the city’s main thoroughfare, the Kurfurstendamm, in protest at the shooting last week of one of their leaders, Rudi Dutschke. Mr Dutschke was shot three times outside the offices

This Day in History | 1975 Beirut street battle leaves 17 dead

Reports are confused but it appears the Lebanese Phalangist gunmen attacked the bus, killing at least 14 and injuring about 20 more, as it drove through a Christian suburb of

This Day in History | 1997 Bosnian bomb plot fails to stop Pope

Just hours earlier Bosnian police found at least 20 anti-tank mines under a bridge on the road between the airport and the city - the route planned for the Pope

This Day in History | 1961 Nazi war crimes trial begins

Adolf Eichmann faces 15 charges, including crimes against humanity, crimes against the Jewish people and war crimes. He sat in a bullet-proof glass dock flanked by two guards specially chosen because

This Day in History | 1997 BBC TV newsman turns politician

The newsman-turned-political candidate is campaigning as an independent, although he has been encouraged to stand by both Labour and the Liberal Democrats. Local Conservatives gave their backing tonight to Mr Hamilton,

This Day in History | 1978 Carter delays N-bomb production

The bomb - properly called an Enhanced Radiation Weapon or ERW - is a specialised thermonuclear weapon which produces a minimal blast but releases large amounts of lethal radiation. It is

This Day in History | 1989 Dockers’ ‘jobs for life’ scrapped

Employment Secretary Norman Fowler told MPs the National Dock Labour Scheme (NDLS) had become “a total anachronism” which stood in the way of a modern and efficient ports’ industry. Mr Fowler

This Day in History | 1968 Martin Luther King shot dead

Dr King was shot dead in the southern US city of Memphis, Tennessee, where he was to lead a march of sanitation workers protesting against low wages and poor working

This Day in History | 2001 Ex-Yugoslav leader arrested after siege

The news came shortly after five single shots and a burst of automatic gun fire were heard at Mr Milosevic’s home where he had been surrounded by police for nearly

This Day in History | 1959 Dalai Lama escapes to India

There had been no news of his safety or whereabouts since he left Lhasa on 17 March with an entourage of 20 men, including six Cabinet ministers. Many thought he had

This Day in History | 1951 Rosenbergs guilty of espionage

Julius Rosenberg, 33, and his 35-year-old wife, Ethel, were accused of stealing technical information from the atom research centre in Los Alamos and turning it over to the KGB. A radar

This Day in History | 1971 Manson sent to gas chamber

They were found guilty of the August 1969 murders of seven people and one unborn child at the beginning of the year. Their victims included eight-months pregnant actress Sharon Tate -

This Day in History | 2000 Trimble narrowly wins leadership challenge

Mr Trimble needed a clear victory over his rival, the Rev Martin Smyth, to give him authority to handle the peace process but he only secured 57% of the votes

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