This Day in History | 1992 Punch ends 150 years of satire

The decision ends a publishing tradition dating back almost 151 years. It is expected to publish its final issue on 8 April after circulation plummeted from highs of 175,000 sales in

This Day in History | 1981 New measures to contain farm disease

The move follows Sunday’s slaughter of 400 infected animals on the Isle of Wight and last week’s discovery, the first in Britain for 13 years, of infected animals on Jersey. The

This Day in History | 2002 Woman granted ‘right to die’

The judge in the case then urged her to reconsider her decision. The 43-year-old woman, known as Miss B after she was granted anonymity, watched via a video-link from her hospital

This Day in History | 1963 Train drives itself

The trains, which operate without a driver, are currently undergoing a series of trials commissioned by the Ministry of Transport before passengers are allowed on board. But the public has the

This Day in History | 1950 Government falls as Belgians vote for king

Sunday’s vote showed a narrow majority of 57.7% of votes in favour of the king being allowed back from Switzerland. But the result highlighted sharp divisions within the country and

This Day in History | 1995 Killer Ronnie Kray dies

Police said 61-year-old Ronnie died at 0907 GMT after being transferred to Wexham Park hospital, Slough, from a hospital in Ascot. The man, once part of the infamous gang “The Firm”,

This Day in History | 1953 Marshal Tito makes historic visit to London

The Duke of Edinburgh, Prime Minister Winston Churchill and Foreign Secretary Anthony Eden greeted him at Westminster at the start of his five-day visit. He arrived by sea from Yugoslavia in

This Day in History | 1974 Architect jailed over corruption

Poulson, who was found guilty of conspiracy to make or receive corrupt gifts, admitted that cash or presents worth £30,000 had changed hands, but had denied corruption. Leeds Crown Court was

This Day in History | 1960 Radio telescope makes space history

The previous record, about 290,000 miles, was set by the Soviet satellite Lunik III, which photographed the back of the Moon last year. Jodrell first made contact with Pioneer V after

This Day in History | 1977 Roman Polanski charged with rape

The 43-year-old, who is out on bail, will appear in a Los Angeles court next week. He could receive a prison sentence of up to 50 years if he is found

This Day in History | 1990 Observer ‘spy’ sentenced to die

He has been convicted of spying for Israel while working on a story about an explosion at a weapons complex 30 miles (48km) south of the capital. The British nurse, Daphne

This Day in History | 1967 Stalin’s daughter defects to the West

The American Mutual Radio network broke the news but the American State Department has so far refused to comment. Since her father’s death in 1953, little has been heard of 42-year-old

This Day in History | 1950 Gas turbine car gets road test

JET1, a two-seater model powered by the same kind of engine used in a jet, will have its first public test drive at the Silverstone racing circuit in Northamptonshire tomorrow. The

This Day in History | 1965 Police attack Alabama marchers

They assaulted a group of about 500 demonstrators using tear gas, whips and sticks after Governor George Wallace ordered the planned march from Selma to the state capital Montgomery to

This Day in History | 1975 Comic genius Chaplin is knighted

The star of such films as The Kid and The Great Dictator was knighted in the New Year’s Honours List. The ceremony took place just miles from the south London district

This Day in History | 1966 BBC tunes in to colour

Britain will be the first country in Europe to offer regular programming in colour. The announcement was made in the Commons by the Postmaster General, Anthony Wedgwood Benn. The new service is

This Day in History | 1970 Ian Smith declares Rhodesia a republic

The new Rhodesian Republic, came into being at 2301BST yesterday, unrecognised by the rest of the world and barely noticed by Rhodesians themselves. Mr Smith signed a proclamation officially dissolving the

This Day in History | 1990 Secrets act gags Whistleblowers

The new Official Secrets Act replaces section two of the 1911 act, under which it was a criminal offence to disclose information without lawful authority. The new act makes it an

This Day in History | 1960 Thousands dead in Moroccan earthquake

Most of the “new town” area of Agadir has been completely destroyed and the heavily populated Talborit quarter is believed to have been the hardest hit. The number of dead currently

This Day in History | 1987 Synod says ‘yes’ to women priests

The Church of England’s General Synod has voted by a huge majority to clear the way for the ordination of women priests. The Church of England has been debating the issue

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