World Views | Trump-Xi deal may founder on a patent lack of trust

Is there any hope that the fast-decoupling U.S. and Chinese governments can resolve their trade dispute, and inject a bit of pep into the weakening global economy? Yes

World Views | G-20 gives Trump a chance to clarify his Iran policy

When President Trump arrives at the Group of 20 summit in Osaka on Friday, many of his peers will want to discuss bilateral crises with him: China’s Xi

World Views | Joe Biden runs against a myth about Trump

Between 2011 and 2017, six different national surveys by the Pew Research Center produced similar results. Democratic voters said they liked elected officials who would compromise with opponents.

World Views | We’re not even close to the next great recession

What’s all the fuss about? Maybe the world economy isn’t in such terrible shape after all. New projections from the International Monetary Fund, published this week, show

World Views | Cathay’s budget deal won’t mean bargain tickets

Budget aviation ain’t what it used to be. Passengers on Easyjet Plc aircraft can book fares that let them change flight times at no extra cost. Those on Singapore

World Views | When you die, it won’t be an egg that killed you

When the news broke last week that a new study has nutritionists again claiming eggs are unhealthy, I considered whether I needed to recant a 2016 column. There,

World Views | Hong Kong’s taxi fleet ages in real time

The South China Morning Post recently published an analysis of the 210,000 licensed drivers of Hong Kong’s iconic taxi fleet. Those Toyota Crown sedans are a venerable design,

World Views | Asset managers are leading britain’s Brexit exodus

The prospect of leaving the European Union has forced Britain’s financial community to make expensive preparations for life outside of the trading bloc. Whatever happens on March 29

World Views | Smart fiscal discipline is overdue for a comeback

The Congressional Budget Office recently released its revised Budget and Economic Outlook. Its economists estimate that, on present policy, annual deficits of a trillion dollars — between 4

World Views| Three things trump can do to keep economy humming

President Donald Trump promised to hit 3 percent growth in 2017 — and the economy just barely made it, according to figures released last week. To keep it

World Views | Had enough of Brexit? How about 10 more years

When moments of political drama capture the national attention, one at least expects some clarity to result. Alas, that would be setting the bar too high for today’s

World Views | Thai property can stay hot in chillier times

Thailand’s booming property market is at risk of cooling this year as rampant construction threatens an oversupply of apartments amid increasing global economic headwinds. The country has

World Views | Maduro’s fall would be a defeat for Putin too

If Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro’s regime falls, Vladimir Putin will have to write off yet another costly geopolitical bet. Just don’t expect Moscow to stop taking such gambles

World Views | Donald Trump should stop misusing the military

With Congress refusing to provide USD5.7 billion for his wall on the Mexican border, President Trump has said he may fund it with money diverted from the Defense

World Views | Germany doesn’t really want an EU army

For all the recent transatlantic debate about creating a joint European army, Germany has little interest in setting up any kind of supranational force under the EU’s command.

World Views | This Asian nation might revive faith in democracy

Political revolts around the world have targeted what are widely seen as corrupt and unaccountable political and business elites — elites that pursue their own interests globally at the expense of

World Views | There’s one way to tackle Facebook and Google

Wouldn’t it be wonderful, with the wealth of information available on the internet today, to go back to the nice village feel of the web’s earliest days, when it

World Views | The big short’s Eisman has a point about Brexit

Money manager Steve Eisman famously predicted the 2007-2008 blowup of the mortgage debt bubble, one of the few to believe that such a “black swan” event was possible. A

World Views | Obamacare has managed to survive, but can it thrive?

November is here, and in most U.S. states that means the start of open enrollment, the sign-up period for obtaining insurance via the U.S. Affordable Care Act’s exchanges.

World Views | China’s Tesla wannabe has a big brother problem

Investors are throwing billions of dollars at connected cars. The technological advances that enable vehicles to be linked into wireless networks promise greater efficiency and, in theory, safety.

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