World Views: China’s great wall of sand

China is building new harbors and airstrips on various reefs and atolls in the Spratly Islands – facilities that, Beijing confirms, will be used for military as well as civil

World Views: How not to deal with China

China’s creation of the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank and the bungled U.S. response have given Beijing a nice diplomatic win. Not hugely consequential in itself, the episode is a case study

World Views: Debt could derail China’s ambitions

China’s Xi Jinping made a lot of grand promises over the weekend, pledging a new order where China and Chinese-led institutions such as the new Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank would promote

World Views: Cruz’s fiery message has limited appeal to some Republicans

As a messenger, Texas Sen. Ted Cruz has fire. It’s the message that’s the question for him. Cruz opened his official campaign for U.S. president Monday, becoming the first Republican to

World Views: After Lee, Singapore needs a rethink

I failed to impress Lee Kuan Yew when we met for the first time a decade ago. It was in December 2004 in Bangkok and he was giving a speech

World Views: How Asia should defend against the rising dollar

Can Asia beat the rising-dollar curse? The question is far from academic considering the central role that a strengthening U.S. currency played in sparking the region’s 1997 crisis, as well as Latin

World Views: Asian airlines are beginning to run out of pilots

Asia’s aviation market is booming, but the supply of pilots isn’t nearly keeping pace with the demand for flights. Airlines are already struggling with shortages in staff. Two Japanese carriers

World Views: More stimulus isn’t the answer to China problems

Few buzz phrases scare economists more than “new paradigm.” If such things existed, Japan would still dominate the world economy, risk would have been eliminated from Wall Street, and the

World Views: Be west-coast American, or east-coast Chinese

A very senior journalist at the Financial Times once said to me: “Be American.” The person meant be positive. Don’t fear failure. Don’t worry about setbacks. Have the courage to

World briefs

CHINA A Canadian woman detained in China along with her husband on suspicion of stealing state secrets has been released on bail, the Chinese Foreign Ministry said yesterday. Ministry spokesman

World Views: Not just in France but in Nigeria and Yemen too

For the past six days the west’s attention has been transfixed by the murderous attacks in Paris that left 17 people - cartoonists, security guards, police officers and Jewish hostages

World briefs

NIGERIA Hundreds of bodies — too many to count — remain strewn in the bush in Nigeria from an Islamic extremist attack that Amnesty International suggested Friday is the “deadliest

World Views: The Rise of Bitcoin

Bitcoins introduced a lot of people to the idea of computerized money. Now the digital currency, which set off a minor frenzy when it broke into public consciousness in 2013,

World Views: China’s Russia bailout is ominous sign for future

Thanks to China, Christine Lagarde of the International Monetary Fund, Jim Yong Kim of the World Bank and Takehiko Nakao of the Asian Development Bank may no longer have much

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