Health code | SSM defends security of ‘counter-scan’

Yesterday, the SSM issued a statement defending its “counter-scan” footprint recording function as secure from personal data breaches. The “counter-scan” function is to allow operators

Macau report passed by Asia/Pacific Group on Money Laundering

The 2021 report submitted by the Macau government, evaluating its efforts to counter money laundering, has been adopted by the Asia/Pacific Group on Money Laundering (APG), the Financial

HK tests find heavy metal in coffee, including products in Macau market

The Hong Kong Consumer Council has tested 49 ground or powdered coffee products – many available in Macau – and discovered various levels of heavy metals and pesticides

Not so permanent residency

  Most people living and working in Macau under a non-permanent residency permit (non-permanent BIR) usually have a goal of reaching the “notorious” seven years. This is

MUST to send students to Sun Yat-Sen Hospital for internships

The Faculty of Medicine of Macau University of Science and Technology (MUST) announced that they have signed a cooperation agreement with the First Affiliated Hospital of

WTT Champions players arrive in town

The star-studded line-up of table tennis players arrived in Macau for the upcoming WTT Champions Macao 2021 China Stars which will be held from January 19

Xi rejects ‘Cold War mentality,’ pushes cooperation

Chinese President Xi Jinping called yesterday for greater world cooperation against COVID-19 and said China would send an additional 1 billion doses of vaccine to other

Demographics | Births fall in 2021, as workforce shrinks

The number of babies born in China fell again last year, official data showed yesterday, adding to pressure on the ruling Communist Party’s ambitions to

Japan | Kishida says virus measures, defense top priorities

Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida told parliament yesterday that fighting the pandemic and strengthening defense are his government’s top priorities. Kishida delivered a speech opening this

Djokovic lands in Serbia after deportation from Australia

Novak Djokovic arrived in his native Serbia yesterday after being deported from Australia because he was not vaccinated against COVID-19, ending his hopes of defending his

USA | After Biden’s first year, the virus and disunity rage on

From the inaugural platform, President Joe Biden saw American sickness on two fronts — a disease of the national spirit and the one from the rampaging coronavirus

This day in history | 1996 Green groups join bypass battle

Six major environmental organisations today added their support to the growing anti-bypass campaign in Newbury, Berkshire. Friends of the Earth, the Council for British Archaeology, Greenpeace UK,

China’s economy grows 8.1% in 2021, slows in second half

Chinese leaders are under pressure to boost slumping economic growth while they try to contain coronavirus outbreaks ahead of next month’s Winter Olympics in Beijing.

Melco celebrates the Year of the Tiger with festive offerings

Kids’ City is offering a Chinese New Year themed crochet bag DIY workshop until February 10, where participants can explore their creativity and bring home their handmade souvenirs.

GalaxyArt showcases bamboo artworks in exhibition

Starting from today to May 15, 2022, GalaxyArt, managed under the Galaxy Entertainment Group Foundation, will present “Art of Bamboo: from Qilin to Contemporary Art” exhibition where exquisite

Former NBA great Yao Ming addresses Peng Shuai, Olympics

Former NBA great Yao Ming said yesterday he and others had a pleasant talk when they met last month with Chinese tennis player Peng Shuai, whose disappearance

Oxfam: Tax rich to fund vaccines for poor hit by pandemic

Anti-poverty organization Oxfam called yesterday for governments to impose a one-time 99% tax on the world’s billionaires and use the money to fund expanded production of

The Buzz | Philippine dictator’s son defeats bid vs. presidential run

The son of former Philippine dictator Ferdinand Marcos defeated yesterday a bid to disqualify him from the May 9 presidential race but still faces other petitions from human rights

China Daily | Dynamic control and prevention approach will continue to keep Covid-19 at bay

Will China’s anti-COVID-19 approach continue to work in responding to the sporadic waves of infections related to the Omicron variant? This is of great concern given the fact

Tuesday, January 18, 2022 – edition no. 3935

— Most wouldn’t expect the ‘permanent’ residency status to have an expiry date, but according to an investigation by the Times into the matter, this is not so clear * Covid-19

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