127 Malaysians, suspected to be victims of job scams, rescued from Myanmar fighting

More than 120 suspected victims of job scams have been rescued after being stranded by fighting in northern Myanmar between the military and armed ethnic groups, Malaysia’s

As freed hostages return home, details of captivity emerge: irregular meals, benches as beds

Plastic chairs as beds. Meals of bread and rice. Hours spent waiting for the bathroom. As former hostages return to Israel after seven weeks of Hamas

1975 Graham Hill killed in air crash

Graham Hill, 46, who retired from the sport in July 1975, was killed instantly along with the four other occupants in his Piper Aztec - all

The challenges of being a religious scientist

Given popular portrayals, you would be forgiven for assuming that the type of person who is a scientist is not the type of person who

Man United set for another fiery match against Galatasaray

Thursday, 01:45 Galatasaray v Man Utd H 2.7, D 3.9, A 2.55 Oddschecker.com If it wasn’t the “Welcome to Hell” signs at the airport, it

A Sumatran rhino calf born in Indonesia adds to an endangered species of less than fifty

A critically endangered Sumatran rhino was born in Indonesia’s western island of Sumatra last weekend, the second Sumatran rhino born in the country this year and a welcome

Israel, Hamas extend their truce, but it seems a matter of time before war resumes

A truce between Israel and Hamas entered its fifth day yesterday, with the militant group promising to release more civilian hostages to delay the expected  The sides agreed

Preparedness for spillover natural precaution

A month into the so-called Operation 1027, a joint offensive against the Myanmar government forces by the Brotherhood Alliance of three ethnic armies in the country’s northern region,

Wednesday, November 29, 2023 – edition no. 4378

— Districts under revitalization program to see more events during Christmas: Gov’t * Science | China Space Program delegation visits Macau * Taxis | Gov’t accepts 21 bids for 500 taxi licenses *

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