Governments plan more fossil fuel production despite climate pledges: report

Despite frequent and devastating heat waves, droughts, floods and fire, major fossil fuel-producing countries still plan to extract more than double the amount of fossil fuels in

Star-studded financial summit lineup casts vote of confidence in Hong Kong, mainland

Global financial heavyweights joined regulators this week at the main session of the Global Financial Leaders’ Investment Summit in Hong Kong, casting a vote of confidence

US plans to build a $553M terminal in Colombo port in rivalry with China

The U.S. announced a $553 million project yesterday to build a deep-water shipping container terminal in Sri Lanka’s Port of Colombo as it competes with China in international development

Third GOP debate will focus on Israel, foreign policy and Trump

Foreign policy and the Israel-Hamas war are expected to be prominent in today’s third Republican primary debate, as a narrowing field of candidates seeks to

1985 America welcomes Charles and Diana

Prince Charles and Princess Diana have ended the first day of their much-vaunted trip to the USA at a gala dinner in the Washington, hosted by President Reagan

Lack of affordable housing in Los Angeles’ Venice Beach neighborhood inspires activism and art

As more and more of her friends and neighbors found themselves priced out of rental units in Venice Beach, Judy Branfman began photographing the dozens

At 40, Pepe becomes becomes oldest scorer in Champions League

Porto 2, Antwerp 0 Porto captain Pepe became the oldest scorer in Champions League history as Porto beat 10-man Antwerp 2-0  yesterday to end

Myanmar hosts joint naval exercise with Russia, its close ally and top arms supplier

The military-run Southeast Asian nation of Myanmar is holding its first joint naval exercise with Russia, state media reported, with the countries carrying out maneuvers

Brazil police search Portugal’s Consulate in Rio as part of a graft investigation

Brazilian federal police conducted searches at five locations, including the Portuguese Consulate in Rio de Janeiro, as part of a corruption investigation. Portuguese public prosecutors and Portuguese

Biden-Xi meeting still on track, no major breakthroughs expected

The anticipated meeting between President Joe Biden and Chinese leader Xi Jinping is on track for next week on the sidelines of Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation summit in San

Thursday, November 9, 2023 – edition no. 4364

  * AL Plenary | Macau adopts new minimum wage * Gaming | Melco to relaunch House of Dancing Water * GBA | HK working towards cross-boundary data flow * China and PSCs Film

MGM Announces its Stellar Team Sponsorship Lineup to Celebrate the 70th Macau Grand Prix

Dedicated to promoting the development of "tourism + sports" and helping Macau to establish itself as a global sports-event destination, MGM continuesto make contributions to the world-renowned Macau Grand Prix.

First non-deficit budget of this gov’t term passed but with many remarks

The 2024 budget will be the last from the current government term and will be the first that will not be in deficit and resorting to

City sets new record for highest October temperature

Macau sweltered through its hottest October on Oct. 4, reaching 35.2 degrees Celsius, which was attributed to Typhoon Koinu, with the city entering autumn in September.

Prosecutor accuses Kong’s colleagues of malpractice

The prosecution in Kong Chi’s alleged corruption trial has accused two of Kong’s Public Prosecutions Office (MP) colleagues of separate instances of malpractice. Prosecutor

Portuguese PM resigns after being involved in corruption probe

Portuguese Prime Minister António Costa said yesterday he is resigning after being involved in a widespread corruption probe. Costa said in a live nationally televised

Lawmakers unhappy with public parking fee increase

Several lawmakers have expressed dissatisfaction with the government’s planned increase of the hourly parking fees of seven public car parks. The measure, announced by

Mobile transactions up 4% in Q3

The number of transactions carried out by local mobile payment tools increased 4% quarter-to-quarter to 76.9 million in the third quarter (Q3). The transaction value totaled MOP7 billion,

UM, Datastory inaugurate AI lab

The University of Macau (UM) and Datastory inaugurated their Joint Laboratory of Artificial General Intelligence yesterday. The joint laboratory will explore cutting-edge technologies and business applications of artificial

IFTM collaborates with Foshan University for cultural study

The Macao Institute for Tourism Studies (IFTM) recently collaborated with Foshan University (FOSU) to carry out a five-day field study with the theme of Intangible Cultural Heritage (ICH)

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