Ask the Vet | Canine Distemper Virus 

Feline weight loss is essential for obese and overweight cats. An overweight cat presents numerous health risks, including heart disease, diabetes, arthritis, high blood pressure and a shorter lifespan.

Body Condition Score (BCS)
If you would like to know if your cat is obese or normal, you can verify his body condition score. The body condition score is from 1 to 5, 1 being emaciated and 5 being obese. Cats that score 4 or 5 should start a weight loss program. If the ribs are not palpable, your cat is more likely overweight and you will also notice fat deposits and no waist or abdominal tuck.
A normal weight feline, with a BCS of 3 should have palpable ribs, no excessive fat and a tucked up abdomen when viewed from the side.

Reduce the calorie intake
In a weight loss program, the calorie intake of the cat should be reduced, so that she consumes more energy than she eats, and will also burn some fat. Don’t cut down on your pet’s food intake without talking to the vet.

Wet food
Wet food contains more water and less calories. Switch to wet food and you will notice some weight loss soon.

Light pet food
You can choose light cat food. The cat will eat the same amounts of food, but less calories. Consult your vet to make sure the light food is nutritional enough for your cat.

Fewer treats
Reduce the number of treats you give your cat. The treats contain carbs and contribute to weight gain. When you want to reward her, use praising words instead of treats.

Exercises and games for cats
The exercise options for cats are limited, as cats won’t jog outside or run along your bike. However, engaging the cat in stimulating activities will make her consume energy and she will lose weight. A pet treadmill can also be a good solution for your cat. Alternatively, initiate some games with a thread and paper. The cat will enjoy these and will exercise at the same time. Make sure the games are varied, so that she won’t get bored.
The cat should consume more energy that she eats in order to lose weight.

Step by step weight loss program
Avoid crash diets and exhausting exercises starting from the first day of the weight loss program. Your pet needs time to lose weight and her body needs to adjust to be able to work out.
Start with a low intensity program, with 10 to 15 minutes of exercise once or twice per day. Progressively increase the level of intensity and the exercise time.

Prevention diet
Spaying or neutering may result in weight gain. Neutered cats are less active and should eat accordingly. The diet of a neutered cat should contain about half of the calorie intake of her diet prior to spaying. This should prevent the weight gain.
Weight loss will make your cat fit and she will regain her health, good balance and good muscle tone. A fit cat is less prone to depression and insomnia.
When she reaches a normal body condition score, you may keep up the exercise program to keep your cat’s weight under control.

Hope this info helps 
Till next week ,
Dr Ruan Bester

Ask the Vet:
Royal Veterinary Centre
Tel: +853 28501099, +853 28523678
Emergency: +853 62662268

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