Terrorism | Militants heading home could amplify local threat

Increased military pressure on the Islamic State (IS) in Syria and Iraq could see hundreds of Indonesian, Filipino and Malaysian insurgents head back to their Southeast Asian

Cambodian PM, citing ‘One-China’ policy, bans Taiwan flag

Cambodia’s prime minister says raising Taiwan’s flag is banned because Cambodia follows the “One China” policy promoted by Beijing. Hun Sen, in a speech to the

Court denies Trump request to immediately restore travel ban

A federal appeals court denied yesterday the Justice Department’s request for an immediate reinstatement of President Donald Trump’sban on accepting certain travelers and all refugees.

Number of vehicles handled by DSAT for illegal parking surges

The number of offenses in public parking lots increased by 36 percent 2016 year-on-year, the Transport Bureau (DSAT) informed in a statement yesterday. According to

Health | New bird flu case confirmed

Live poultry trade was suspended for at least three days after a chicken sample tested positive for the H7 strain of bird flu on Friday, Macau

Wages of construction workers increasing

The average daily wage of construction workers in Macau increased by 6.1 percent quarter-to-quarter to MOP815 in the fourth quarter of 2016, according to information

Beijing criticizes Mattis’ remarks on East China Sea island

The U.S. is putting regional stability in East Asia at risk, a Chinese spokesman said, following remarks by President Donald Trump’s defense secretary that a U.S. commitment to

Tourists upset with crowded spaces during CNY

Although the territory’s Chinese New Year arrivals were up for this Golden Week, several tourists were discontented with their experience, citing overcrowding in tourist spots and some

Ipoh and Macau could become twin cities

The Malaysian state of Perak is creating promotional deals with Macau partners in order to boost tourism in the state, reported online Malaysian newspaper The Star.

Over 100 street artists used ‘Busker Cards’ to perform

The “Busker Card,” a program that aims to establish rules and regulate the activity of various street performers, has gathered the interest of over 100 street

Uber withdraws from Taiwan citing world-highest fines

Ride-hailing app Uber announced in a statement yesterday the suspension of services in Taiwan, starting from February 10, citing fines that amount to TWD1.1 billion (MOP283

Zhejiang | Housing collapse leaves nine buried

Nine people were buried in the collapse of a group of homes in eastern China yesterday morning, a Chinese rescue official and state media reported.

Environment DSPA to contact Zhuhai following light pollution complaints

Macau residents have complained about bright lights emitted from buildings in Zhuhai that disturb the ambience of several locations across the city, including around Sai

Gaming revenue grows 3.1 percent in January

Casino revenue growth in Macau slowed in January, falling short of analysts’ estimates, as the world’s largest gaming hub prepares for what may be another bumpy

New Macau representatives elected in Guangdong’s CPPCC

Several cities in the Guangdong province recently elected their new members for the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC), according to reports by mainland media. The cities

Arts | Nearly 90 percent of Fringe tickets sold

Overall sales for the 16th Macao City Fringe Festival have reached nearly 90 percent of available tickets, the Cultural Affairs Bureau (IC) said in a statement.

New Pentagon chief seeks to reassure nervous Asian allies

By visiting Japan and South Korea on his first official overseas trip, Defense Secretary Jim Mattis is seeking to reinforce key alliances after President Donald Trump’s campaign-trail

Tourists detained for filming overcharging taxi driver

A family was stranded in a police station on Monday after they filmed the plate number of a local taxi driver who was allegedly overcharging them.

Local hotels booked out

Casino operators are wagering that high-rollers and recreational gamblers alike will be spending their “lai see” money in Macau as hotel rooms fill up for Chinese

Edward Tracy CEO for Hard Rock’s new Japan division

Hard Rock International announced on Monday the launch of a new division of the company, Hard Rock Japan LLC, as well as the appointment of Edward

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