World Views | Big business has all the advantages in the pandemic

Even if fiscal stimulus is successful in getting the U.S. economy back on stable ground after the Covid-19 crisis, the economy will inevitably be transformed. When it comes to the

World Views | The economic myths US Democrats peddled at debate

At their debate in Ohio Tuesday night, Democratic presidential candidates emphasized what’s wrong with the economy. That’s not at all surprising: The party out of the White House

Our Desk | Writing amid the 11th case

Early morning yesterday, the latest Covid-19 infection was confirmed for Macau after the city recorded zero infections for 40 days. It was not much of a surprise to me. I mean,

World Views | The Covid-19 Class of 2020

The Class of 2020 has been doubly cursed. They entered college in the late summer of 2016. A few months later their elders ushered Donald Trump into the presidency.

World Views | The last place you’d think to hide in a meltdown

As if markets didn’t have enough trouble. With the coronavirus outbreak intensifying, and the first shots of an oil price war fired, investors seem to be left with

Our Desk | Covid-19 is not like Typhoon Hato

Although epidemics are seen as natural disasters in the eyes of the law, the response from society could not be more conflicting. The best example that I

World Views | SARs lessons inoculate HK against epidemic

Hong Kong has fewer coronavirus cases than the U.S., Singapore or Italy. That might seem surprising for a city that sits on the doorstep of mainland China and has intertwining

Editorial | Small ain’t pretty

The concept of the SME (Small and Medium Enterprises) in Macau should be used cautiously because over 80 percent of our incorporations are actually small or micro, and most of

World Views | Tech companies can track your panicky coronavirus searches

Two weeks ago, Sand Hill Road VC firm Andreessen Horowitz received some  Amazon was one of the first companies to  Then there’s Facebook, which tracks the

World Views | The world is a giant cruise ship called the Covid-19

I extended my hand to the woman with whom I’d been chatting for the past few minutes. “I’m Virginia,” I said. To my surprise, she responded not

Our Desk | Paid academic services

Dissertation papers are mostly required in support of candidature’s completion of an academic degree. These dissertations give the author the platform to outline his or her research and

World Views | The US fed’s response to the coronavirus doesn’t go far enough

Both the Federal Reserve and the White House are considering emergency measures to combat the economic fallout from the coronavirus. These are the right responses, but they don’t go far

World Views | Coronavirus complacency is worse than panic

Don’t think about a white bear. What did you just see in your mind’s eye? If the answer was “a white bear,” you’ll have grasped one of the problems facing public health

World Views | China’s policy flip-flops are scaring investors

The Chinese public was caught off-guard Monday when Wuhan, the epicenter of the coronavirus outbreak, said it would ease a sweeping lockdown on the city, only to retract it hours

Our Desk | The toys

“In response to the increase in the amount of garbage resulting from cleaning-up operations carried out by the public before the Lunar New Year, Macau cleaning companies will send additional

World Views | The Trump effect on the economy is undeniable

  Economists typically argue that the president has little effect on the economy. But it’s hard to think of a recent president for whom that is less true than Donald Trump.

World Views | Gaming out a contested convention

The final question at last night’s Democratic debate in Nevada, as Dave Hopkins and Ed Kilgore pointed out, was about what should happen in a contested convention — and five of the six candidates on the

World Views | The economic hit from coronavirus is all in your mind

Hindsight can be an asset during an epidemic: Lessons from the past help steer public decision-making and avoid repeating mistakes. Unfortunately, rearview mirrors appear to be in short supply these days. For

Animal Farm | For us to think about!

The Government has taken steps to address the current situation. These are positive measures, but most will only start to apply when this outbreak passes. And until then? What do we do?

Our Desk | Still room for improvement

At the time of writing, the government has just resumed most public services. The government had announced the suspension of non-essential services due to the outbreak of Covid-19, also referred to

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