Sheldon Adelson’s last roll of the dice may be his boldest

No one ever said that the casino industry didn’t involve risky bets. Sheldon Adelson, the billionaire founder of Las Vegas Sands Corp., is considering a $6 billion sale of the Nevada

Our Desk | Wear your mask, mind your own business

I support you and respect you when you wear a mask because you personally thought it through and decided that it was prudent to do so for various reasons, including

China Daily | Forming clique and flexing muscles only to shake regional peace, stability

  Australia’s decision this week to rejoin the military Exercise Malabar 2020 set for November was highlighted as a clique flexing muscles in the Asian-Pacific region. The decision, announced after the Quadrilateral

World Views | Curb the Brexit enthusiasm. The hurdles are still high

Brexit optimism is in the air. The U.K. and the European Union have resumed trade talks after a highly theatrical fallout, promising to ramp up the speed and intensity of negotiations with

World Views | The lack of fiscal aid won’t wreck US consumer spending

In the world of investing, self-storage properties are about as bland as it gets. Then again, U.S. consumers are going to need a place to store the mountains of stuff

World Views | Netflix may test just how essential it is

Forget dinner and a movie. As cinemas remain desolate, cooler weather puts an end to the enjoyment of safe outdoor dining and Covid-19 roars back across the world, takeout and Netflix sound

World Views | Thailand’s leaders can’t afford confrontation

Anti-government marchers have been gathering across Thailand in defiance of a state of emergency, and their list of demands now stretches to include reining in the powerful monarchy. Prime Minister Prayuth Chan-Ocha has indicated he wants to talk. He could do with

Our Desk | The Grand Prix of Ignorance

In less than a month, Macau will host the largest annual event in the city and one of the largest events in all of Asia – the Macau Grand Prix. Although

World Views | Online shopping the pandemic away? There’s a better way

You probably want to buy something. For many households, there is more money at the end of the month. Spending is way down on restaurant meals and entertainment. Excess income over

World Views | We’re looking at the glass-half-empty recovery

The global economic ascent has begun. From encouraging data in Singapore to less-dire global forecasts and earnings from banking behemoths, the corner appears to have been turned on a disastrous period

World Views | Working from home is here to stay, so let’s get it right

The Covid-19 pandemic has crushed the economy, sent joblessness soaring, and killed over a million people worldwide. But there are a few ways in which the pandemic may prompt society

World Views | Russia’s post-Soviet hegemony is fading

  Vladimir Putin has long sought to portray himself as strong statesman and guarantor of stability, at home and abroad. Now the Russian president is grappling with successive crises among his

World Views | A crisis warning is in danger of being forgotten

  Economies plotting their exit from the pandemic have a tough needle to thread: determining when to pivot from pumping out emergency aid to focusing on the costs. South Korea and

Our Desk | A not-so-golden week

The streets of Leal Senado leading up to the Ruins of St Paul have not been crowded for the past – at least – seven months, due to the city’s

World Views | The expat model is broken

Something big is missing from Singapore’s picturesque and impeccably maintained highway linking downtown with Changi Airport: traffic. The collapse in international travel has hit the city-state especially hard. Borders are shut

World Views | What happens if Trump is ‘unable’ to govern

  Now that President Donald Trump has tested positive for Covid-19, the Department of Justice is almost certainly focusing on the 25th Amendment, which provides for the transfer of presidential authority

Editorial | October Fest

Everyone is looking and forecasting visitor turnout for Golden Week waiting and hoping for the return of mass tourism. But they will all fail. No matter whether visitation goes beyond

Our Desk | The food discrimination chain

Do you eat blood? I mean any kind of edible blood, like the French and the Chinese do. Do you eat goose liver like the French, or pig liver like

World Views | India needs to copy China better

  If India only reforms when under pressure, then now should be a moment for big changes: Gross domestic product contracted nearly 24% in the second quarter, more than any other

China Daily | The TikTok deal, a brazen heist

  What popular video-sharing app TikTok has undergone over recent months has provided the world with a textbook example of the United States’ modern-day piracy and tech bullying. Under the cliched pretext

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