China | Manufacturing activity in January close to 2-year high

China started 2017 on a high note according to results of a survey released yesterday that showed manufacturing expanded in January at close to its fastest pace

Corporate bits | Venetian brings ‘Running Man’ to Cotai Arena

Stars from South Korean reality show Running Man are bringing “Running Man 2017 Live in Macau” to Macau fans at the Cotai Arena at The Venetian Macao

Growing hunger for Brazilian chicken as bird flu spreads

The bird flu outbreak sweeping across Asia and Europe means you may soon be eating more Brazilian chicken. The world’s top exporter has been untouched

Trump comments on Japan, China currencies rattle markets

Japan is not deliberately weakening the yen to boost its exports, Prime Minister Shinzo Abe said yesterday when asked in parliament about President Donald Trump’s accusations

Chinese singer Jane Zhang gets the Timbaland touch

Grammy winning hitmaker Timbaland has worked with everyone from Jay Z to Justin Timberlake to the “Empire” TV series cast, but his latest muse is Chinese pop

Afghan women practice ancient Shaolin martial arts

While Afghanistan’s Buddhists were carving the giant sandstone statues in Bamiyan in 500 A.D., Buddhists in China were creating martial arts in the Shaolin temple in

Mystery over Chinese tycoon’s disappearance from Hong Kong

Mystery surrounds the whereabouts of a Chinese-born Canadian billionaire reportedly seized in Hong Kong by mainland Chinese police, in a case that could rekindle concerns about overreach by

Indonesia | Trump policy dims hope for refugees seeking resettlement

After getting death threats from Al-Shabab militants, Mohamed Dahir Saeed and his wife fled their native Somalia with plans to seek safety in Australia. They arrived in

New Pentagon chief seeks to reassure nervous Asian allies

By visiting Japan and South Korea on his first official overseas trip, Defense Secretary Jim Mattis is seeking to reinforce key alliances after President Donald Trump’s campaign-trail

Trump adviser | Peter Thiel became New Zealand citizen in California in 2011

Silicon Valley billionaire and President Donald Trump adviser Peter Thiel was able to gain New Zealand citizenship in 2011 despite never having lived in the country, because a

Heavy fighting continues in eastern Ukraine, 10 killed

Freezing and nerve-shattered residents of an eastern Ukraine town battered by an upsurge in fighting between troops and Russia-backed rebels flocked to a humanitarian aid center

USA | Trump’s secretary of state pick headed for Senate approval

President Donald Trump’s nomination of Rex Tillerson for secretary of state is headed toward Senate confirmation after several Democrats crossed party lines to back the former Exxon

This Day in History | 1979 – Sid Vicious dies from drugs overdose

Sex Pistols’ bass player Sid Vicious has died of a heroin overdose in New York. His mother, Anne Beverley, found him dead in bed

Offbeat | Hummingbird egg gets in way of upgrades to California bridge

A tiny unborn hummingbird is getting in the way of a big bridge project in the San Francisco Bay Area. The discovery of a nest and

Rugby | Six Nations preview England, Ireland set to slug it out for title

Picture the scenario: Ireland vs. England for a Grand Slam decider in the final match of the Six Nations on St. Patrick’s weekend in Dublin. The

Football | Premier League teams spent USD270m on signings in January

The bottom six clubs accounted for almost half of the Premier League’s January transfer spending of 215 million pounds (USD270 million) as they grapple to stay in

World briefs

HONG KONG Mystery surrounds the whereabouts of Chinese billionaire Xiao Jianhua reportedly taken away from his Hong Kong hotel by mainland police, in a case that has parallels with

The Buzz | Rights group says Philippine killings are extrajudicial

Most of the thousands of killings of poor suspected drug offenders during Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte’s crackdown appear to be extrajudicial executions and may constitute crimes against humanity,

Lawsuit: Depp USD2m monthly spending to blame for money woes

Johnny Depp’s former business managers countersued the actor claiming his lavish lifestyle that cost more than USD2 million a month to maintain caused his recent financial

Girl About Globe | Squire for hire

China’s rented boyfriends have a role in eroding Donald Trump’s support base. Here’s how. During Chinese New Year, millions of workers travel home to their families,

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