Food & Beverage | Gourmet ganja? Marijuana dining is growing up, slowly

How to set a tone of woodsy chic at a four-course candlelight dinner served under the stars in the Colorado foothills: Live musicians and flowers, check. Award-winning cuisine, check. Beer and wine pairings

The times they are a-changin’: Bob Dylan wins Nobel Prize in literature

Bob Dylan has won the 2016 Nobel Prize in literature. The Swedish Academy cited the American musician for "having created new poetic expressions within the great American song tradition." Here's one of

Ministerial Conference | New role: A platform for financial cooperation

The final event of yesterday’s Fifth Ministerial Conference of the Forum for the Economic and Trade Cooperation between China and Portuguese-speaking countries was an entrepreneur conference focused on financial transactions

Ministerial Conference | Development and Cooperation Fund headquarters relocated to Macau

The Fund for Development Cooperation between China and the Portuguese-speaking Countries – officially set up in 2013 with USD1 billion in funding – will move its headquarters from Beijing to

Portugal open to China investment in Azores as US sway wanes

Portugal is welcoming non-military Chinese engagement in the Azores to help develop the logistical and research potential of the mid-Atlantic island chain. The growing Chinese influence on the archipelago is worrying

Li Keqiang | ‘I had meaningful conversations with many Macau residents’

The Premier of China has said that the central government is confident that the outlook for Macau will continue to be bright. Before leaving Macau, Li Keqiang said yesterday that Macau

Lusophone ties to increase with cooperation fund headquarters move

During a meeting between Chinese Premier Li Keqiang and people from different sectors of the community held at the Macao East Asian Games Dome, Susana Chou – a member of

IPM launches Joint Machine Translation Laboratory

Portuguese Prime Minister António Costa presided over the opening ceremony of the Joint Machine Translation (MT) Laboratory and the launch of two Portuguese books at Macao Polytechnic Institute (IPM) Tuesday. Costa

IFT Café to organize art exhibitions until it goes private

The Institute for Tourism Studies (IFT) Café will organize art exhibitions until the café eventually tranistions to private ownership, IFT Public Relations Officer Chu Siu Heng told the Times yesterday. Chu’s

Survey | Residents’ confidence in economy improves

The Macau University of Science and Technology’s consumer index indicates that Macau consumers’ confidence increased in the third quarter of the year. It also shows that confidence in the local

Environment | 558 trees listed as protected plants

The government recently added 558 of the region’s existing tree species to an old tree and wood protection list. The notice was signed by the Chief Executive and published in

COOPERATION | CE to attend Pan-PRD meeting in Nanchang

Chief Executive Chui Sai On leaves today for Nanchang Prefecture, Jiangxi Province to attend the 2016 Pan- Pearl River Delta Regional Cooperation Chief Executive Joint Conference. He is accompanied by a government

Macau fitness industry growing, entrepreneurs say

As more Macau residents shift to a healthier lifestyle, specialized fitness studios are increasingly popping up to cater to specific types of exercise. Although traditional gyms with treadmills and weights are

Corporate Bits | CTM announces note 7 exchange procedure

CTM yesterday announced its exchange procedure for the Samsung Galaxy Note 7. From now until December 31, consumers who purchased the phone from CTM can approach any of the telecommunications

Casino industry leaders back Las Vegas stadium proposal

Heavy hitters in Nevada’s casino industry are going to bat for a project backed by one of their competitors, saying a proposed NFL stadium and a convention center expansion in Las Vegas

Beijing protests UN official’s attending ceremony for scholar

China is protesting the attendance of the U.N. human rights chief at a ceremony honoring an imprisoned Chinese scholar and rights activist. Foreign Ministry spokesman Geng Shuang said yesterday that Zeid

South China Sea | Philippine President Duterte to visit China next week

Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte will make a state visit to China next week in the latest instance of reaching out to Beijing despite an ongoing territorial dispute, while questioning his

Hong Kong | Pro-democracy lawmakers defy Beijing in oath taking

A swearing-in ceremony to kick off Hong Kong’s legislative session descended into farce yesterday as newly elected pro-democracy lawmakers intentionally mangled their oaths in a show of defiance against Beijing. The new

Thailand | Stocks tumble, prince rushes home amid king worries

Thailand’s stock market and currency tumbled and the prime minister canceled an overseas trip yesterday amid concerns about long-ailing King Bhumibol Adulyadej’s health. His son, the crown prince, returned home from

Afghanistan | As Helmand risks falling to the Taliban, Afghans blame graft

For the past month, the Taliban have held control over most of Afghanistan’s Helmand province, where the majority of the world’s opium is grown — and as insurgent attacks intensify

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