Zhuhai opening route to port of Vitoria in Brazil

Zhuhai port is seeking to develop trade with Portuguese-speaking nations, with a particular focus on Brazil. The port plans “to build on the close ties between Macau and Brazil,” said

Galaxy’s profit beats estimates as new resorts woo tourists

Galaxy Entertainment Group Ltd.’s second-quarter earnings rose 22 percent from a year earlier, more than analysts expected, as the opening of new resorts boosted non-gaming revenue and casino market share. Adjusted

Gaming | Analysts weigh in on new casino openings

Gaming analysts are questioning the impact of Macau’s new casinos on the city’s declining gambling sector. Wynn Macau opened a USD4.2 billion resort in Cotai this week, and Sands China will

Corporate Bits | Sands china donates nearly mop 1 million to local tertiary institutions

Continuing its annual tradition of supporting higher education in Macau, Sands China Ltd. has donated MOP970,000 in scholarships and fellowships to six tertiary institutions. At a cheque presentation ceremony on Wednesday

Fed Chair to speak today | Dollar rally fades away before Yellen as european stocks retreat

A dollar rally ran out of steam and moves in financial markets were generally slight ahead of a speech today by Federal Reserve Chair Janet Yellen that may shed light

Real Estate Matters | Did You Know…? 20 Interesting Facts About Macau Property – Part 4

Juliet Risdon is a Director of JML Property and a property investor. Having been established in 1994, JML Property offers Investment Property & Homes. It specializes in managing properties for

Views on China | Chinese oil demand goes from raging bull to gagging bear

Chinese oil demand, so long the picture of a ravenous bull, is looking more like a vomiting bear. PetroChina reported its worst-ever first-half profit this week. That was mostly due to

Duterte toughens anti-China rhetoric | There will be blood if Philippine territory breached

The tough-talking Philippine president said he will walk the extra mile for peace but warned China “it will be bloody” if the militarily superior Asian neighbor infringes on his country’s

China faces one-year ban from weightlifting over doping

China is facing a one-year ban from weightlifting over repeated doping cases in a move which threatens to stop some of the world’s top athletes from competing internationally. The International Weightlifting

The Philippines | Leader orders extremists crushed after beheading

Abu Sayyaf extremists have beheaded a kidnapped Filipino villager after a ransom deadline lapsed in their first such brutal act under President Rodrigo Duterte, who ordered troops to destroy the

Whaling | Sea Shepherd Australia says will continue South Ocean action

Sea Shepherd Australia said yesterday that a legal settlement involving the conservation group’s U.S. founder will not affect its anti-whaling campaign in the Southern Ocean. Spokesman Adam Burling said the Australian

Myanmar | Soldiers, residents begin cleanup after quake

Using brooms and their hands, soldiers and residents of an ancient Myanmar city famous for its historic Buddhist temples began cleaning up debris yesterday from a powerful earthquake that shook

Minneapolis bridge collapse survivor faces terror charge

A survivor of the 2007 Minneapolis bridge collapse that killed 13 people now faces terror charges after authorities say he traveled to Syria to join the Islamic State group, departing

Syria | Turkey, US say Kurds are pulling back in north Syria

Syrian Kurdish forces have started withdrawing east of the Euphrates River, Turkish officials said yesterday, a move that could fulfill a major demand by Ankara and the United States a

This Day in History | 1962 Abortion mother returns home

An American mother-of-four is on her way home amid a storm of controversy after being given a legal abortion in Sweden. Sherri Finkbine, a TV presenter from Phoenix in Arizona, was

Offbeat | Boy, 5, uses allowance to buy lunch for police

A 5-year-old boy in New Jersey has picked up the lunch tab for his police department. William Evertz Jr. saved up his allowance for seven months and went to a Subway

Football | EPL Preview: Hull confounding grim preseason forecasts in Premier League

Sunday, 00:30 Hull v Manchester U H 8.5, D 4.5, A 1.5 Hull started the season as the English Premier League’s “crisis club,” regarded by some as the worst-prepared team ever to begin a

Football | FIFA Blatter says he will accept verdict as CAS appeal begins

Former FIFA president Sepp Blatter arrived for his appeal hearing against a six- year ban from football yesterday, pledging to accept the verdict of the Court of Arbitration for Sport. “I do

Formula 1 | Rosberg’s chance for points as Hamilton expects grid penalty

While Formula One leader Lewis Hamilton expects to swallow a severe grid penalty at the Belgian Grand Prix this weekend, Mercedes teammate Nico Rosberg hopes to take advantage. Hamilton won six

The Buzz | London flight delayed for hour as easyjet crew members argue

An easyJet flight from London’s Gatwick Airport to Belfast has faced an hourlong delay after two crew members got into an epic shouting match. Shocked passengers tweeted about the argument that

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