Moody’s challenges Hong Kong regulator over China report

Moody’s Investors Service is challenging a USD3 million fine by Hong Kong’s securities regulator, which accuses the credit rating agency of misconduct over a 2011 report that flagged potential problems

China auto sales shrink again in August 

China’s auto sales declined in August for a third month but some brands reported gains following a market downturn that shook the global industry. Sales of sedans, SUVs and minivans fell 3.4

Real Estate Matters | All you wanted to know about property investment – Property purchase step by step (part 4 of 8)

Juliet Risdon is a Director of JML Property and a property investor. Having established the company in 1994, JML Property offers Investment Property & Homes. It specializes in managing properties

Taiwan| Taipei simulates attacks by political rival Beijing

Taiwan’s military blasted shells into the ocean yesterday, one in a series of exercises this week to simulate attacks by political rival China after Beijing staged what appeared to be a mock

Li says gov’t to open currency market to central banks 

  China plans to allow foreign central banks into its interbank currency market, the country’s No. 2 leader said yesterday, in a new move to expand use of the tightly controlled Chinese

No charge for journalist held for online posts in 2013

Beijing prosecutors have decided not to indict a Chinese journalist detained more than two years ago during an aggressive government campaign to crack down on online rumors and rein in

Mainlander reportedly held by Islamic State

  A Chinese man reportedly held hostage by the Islamic State group worked in advertising and TV production and describes himself as a free spirit and reader of Greek philosophy. The radical

Social media celebrity Guo Meimei jailed for running gambling ring

A woman who marred the reputation of China’s Red Cross with social media posts on her extravagant lifestyle was sentenced yesterday to five years in jail for running gambling activities. Dongcheng

Japan | Helicopters pluck residents to safety as rains lash country

Raging floodwaters broke through a flood berm yesterday and swamped a city north of Tokyo, washing away houses, forcing dozens of people to rooftops to await helicopter rescues and leaving

Gender imbalance | Bride shortage in north India drives men to look far afield

When Sadhuram Berwal wanted to get married, his family went about it in the traditional Indian way, asking relatives, neighbors and local temple priests to suggest a young woman. But

European migrant crisis | For savvy Syrians, social media helps ease trip to the West

The 26-year-old Syrian economics graduate knew exactly what to do and where to go. Amr Zaidah, with the aid of GPS, helped pilot the inflatable boat that brought him and about

This Day in History | 2001 – US rocked by day of terror

The Pentagon was also severely damaged by one of the three civilian airliners which hijackers turned into flying bombs. A fourth plane crashed in a field near Pittsburgh. A state of

offbeat | Canadian couple watches beach home burglary via web cam

A Canadian couple watched via web cam as a man broke into their Florida vacation home on Fort Myers Beach before turning the video over to authorities. The surveillance tape helped

Football | EPL Preview: Chelsea missing Terry with captain’s place under scrutiny

Saturday, 7:45pm Chelsea v Everton H 2.05, D 3.62, A 4.2 John Terry ended last season as still the best center back in the English Premier League. Three games into the new campaign, the

Villas-Boas to quit as Zenit coach at end of season

Andre Villas-Boas said yesterday he will quit as Zenit St. Petersburg coach at the end of the season after he was blocked from leaving in the summer. The Portuguese coach won

Kapok | The art of the meaningful

I am no economist, and yet I have enough interest in political economy to figure out when something is right or not. Such is the case with the dramatically loaded

Friday, September 11, 2015 – edition no. 2397

* Young golfers to test   their limits in Macau * Calligraphy masterpieces at Art Museum * Training crucial to local job market * CE: more resources for Education   DOWNLOAD

Isle of Man, Bitcoin Haven

Or was he a ruthless businessman who treated co-workers callously, took credit for the work of others, and often acted out of jealousy and spite? * Movies: Steve Jobs * Books: Bream

Gibney presents Steve Jobs’ darker side in new documentary

Was Steve Jobs a brilliant visionary whose singular mind, capable of blending art, technology and commerce as never before, inspired the world to “think different” and changed the way we

Eisenberg embraces misfits in ‘Bream Gives Me Hiccups’

Jesse Eisenberg may be known for his starring role in “The Social Network,” but his writing resume is equally notable. He has written three plays and a myriad of short

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