This Day in History | 1990 Britain’s first full day in ERM

More than 500 million shares were traded in the first two hours and by the end of the day the turnover was 1.08 billion shares - the highest daily volume

This Day in History | 2000 Milosevic quits, street celebrations continue

The Yugoslav Constitutional Court, which only yesterday morning annulled the 24 September presidential elections, now admits Vojislav Kostunica was the true winner. The Yugoslav army has also publicly withdrawn its support

This Day in History | 1968 Londonderry march ends in violence

At least 30 people, including MP Gerard Fitt and some children, have been injured. Reports say police tried to disperse the protesters by using their batons indiscriminately and spraying water from

This Day in History | 1970 Mourners killed as Nasser is buried

The funeral cortege should have been a sombre state ceremony attended by 40 major-generals and 5,000 troops. But as the president’s bier passed through the capital towards its final resting place,

This Day in History | 1971 Foreign Office names Soviet superspy

Information from Oleg Lyalin - supposedly a member of the USSR’s trade delegation in the UK - led to the expulsion of 105 Soviet officials from Britain on 25 September. Mr

This Day in History | 1998 Clinton’s Grand Jury testimony released

During the examination President Clinton was questioned by prosecutors about the exact nature of his affair with Monica Lewinsky - and whether he had previously lied under oath. The president’s defense

This Day in History | 1972 Expelled Ugandans arrive in UK

The 55,000-strong Asian community were ordered in August to leave the country within 90 days by President Idi Amin. Over half of them have British passports and will be re-housed in

This Day in History | 1956 World water speed record smashed

Norman Buckley drove the boat at an average speed of over 79mph during his hour on the course on Lake Windermere. But he said he was disappointed not to have reached

This Day in History | 1963 American Express comes to Britain

Holders of the cards will be able to use them at nearly 3,000 hotels, restaurants, shops and hire-car agencies in this country and at more than 83,000 establishments abroad. The

This Day In History | 1940 London blitzed by German bombers

The Ministry of Home Security said the scale of the attacks was the largest the Germans had yet attempted. “Our defenses have actively engaged the enemy at all points,” said a

This Day in History | 1954 National Trust buys remote island

The remote island situated between Shetland and Orkney was bought by George Waterston, an Edinburgh ornithologist, in 1948. He set up a bird observatory which has since built up a

This Day in History | 1957 Malaya celebrates independence

As the new flag of independence was raised they called “Merdeka” (freedom) seven times. Tunku Abdul Rahman, the prime minister-elect, who led the negotiations with the British for handover of

This Day in History | 2003 Blair gives evidence to Hutton

Mr Blair was giving evidence on the 11th day of the Hutton inquiry into the circumstances surrounding the apparent suicide of Dr Kelly. The government scientist was found dead near his

This Day in History | 1979 IRA bomb kills Lord Mountbatten

One of the earl’s twin grandsons, Nicholas, 14, and Paul Maxwell, 15, a local employed as a boat boy, also died in the explosion. The attack was followed only hours later

This Day in History | 1973: ‘Bloody Sunday’ inquest accuses Army

The accusation came from the Londonderry City coroner, Major Hubert O’Neill, after the inquest jury returned an open verdict on the deaths. Thirteen people died on 30 January last year when

This Day in History | 1992 Duchess of York in photos row

The pictures, run by the Daily Mirror over 10 pages, show a topless Duchess of York and Mr Bryan embracing by a swimming pool in the south of France. Other photographs

This Day in History | 1998 Clinton admits Lewinsky affair

In a televised address Mr Clinton told the American people that he took full responsibility for his actions. He said: “Indeed I did have a relationship with Ms Lewinsky that was

This Day in History | 1990 Magellan starts mapping Venus

The craft arrived just after 1730 BST (1630 GMT). Soon after, controllers at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory in California instructed it to fire its solid-rocket motor for 83 seconds to

This Day in History | 1962 Marilyn Monroe found dead

The 36-year-old actress’ body was discovered in the early hours of this morning by two doctors who were called to her Brentwood home by a concerned housekeeper. The doctors were forced

This Day in History | 1957 – Rahman to lead independent Malaya

He was chosen by his fellow Malay rulers in the capital, Kuala Lumpur, yesterday and will lead his country to independence at the end of this month. The Tunku, or

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