Hong Kong leader says she has Xi’s backing to tackle unrest

Hong Kong’s embattled leader, Carrie Lam, said yesterday that she has received the backing of Chinese President Xi Jinping in her handling of five months of anti-government protests that have

Ross hints LNG may be part of interim US-China trade deal

Reviving liquefied natural gas exports to China could form part of an interim trade agreement with Beijing, according to comments from U.S. Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross. LNG and soybeans are among

Used to impunity, Bangladesh elite face corruption crackdown

As gamblers called out bets around craps and roulette tables at a sports club in Bangladesh’s capital, dozens of black-clad security forces burst inside. Gamblers were ordered to the floor as

UK parties promise end to Brexit agony if they win election

Britain’s three major political parties wooed weary voters yesterday, all promising an end to Brexit wrangling if they win next month’s national election — but offering starkly different visions of

Turkey says it captured slain IS leader’s sister in Syria

Turkey captured the elder sister of the slain leader of the Islamic State group in northwestern Syria on Monday, according to a senior Turkish official, who called the arrest an

This Day in History | 1996 – ‘Comeback Kid’ wins second term

He is the first Democratic President in US history to be re-elected since Franklin D Roosevelt, taking 49.2% of the popular vote to Mr Dole’s 40.8%. With voter turnout at its

Offbeat | SEC: ‘King Perry’ used Ponzi cash to live like royalty

The fraudster called himself “King Perry,” and for a while he lived like royalty. Perry Santillo masterminded a long-running investment scam that collected more than $115 million from 1,000 investors around

Carol Burnett returning to ‘Mad About You’ revival

Carol Burnett will be among the familiar faces gracing the “Mad About You” revival. Sony Pictures Television announced yesterday that Burnett will reprise her Emmy-winning role as the mother of

Dutch Olympic sprinter jailed in drug smuggling case

The Dutch Olympic sprinter Madiea Ghafoor was sentenced to 8 1/2 years in prison on drug charges in Germany. The court in the town of Kleve found Ghafoor knowingly imported around

Gambling firms see $7b to $8b sports betting market by 2025

Investors and sports betting companies are running up the score when it comes to sports betting, predicting the fast-growing industry will be a $7 billion to $8 billion business in

Horse racing | Australian-bred Vow and Declare wins Melbourne Cup

Lightweight chance Vow and Declare, the only Australian-bred runner in yesterday’s Melbourne Cup, held off a legion of foreign rivals to win Australia’s greatest horse race for its local trainer,

George Orwell New Mexico exhibit bares ‘doublespeak’ legacy

War is Peace. Freedom is Slavery. Ignorance is Strength. Those were the slogans of the Party in George Orwell’s 1949 novel “1984” that allowed the superstate of Oceania to keep its

The Buzz | EU hopes US will rethink choice to pull out of climate pact

The European Union has voiced regret at the U.S. government’s decision to pull out of the Paris climate agreement and expressed hopes that one of the world’s biggest CO2 emitters

World Briefs

CHINA President Xi Jinping promised more gradual market-opening steps at the start of an import fair yesterday but no initiatives on technology policy and other irritants that sparked a tariff

Macau Matters | Spurious carbon accounting

We all know that the world is plunging headlong towards a climate disaster, and that most of the world’s leaders are studiously keeping their heads in the sand and leaving

Wednesday, November 6, 2019 – edition no. 3410

• Film Festival casts most Macau productions ever, Opens with satire jojo rabbit * On the Road to GP: Bartlett recalls ’69 win on Golden Jubilee anniversary * Andaz Macau to open

Two bodies found in Taipa

The Judiciary Police (PJ) have advised that two bodies were found in separate locations on Taipa Island on Sunday. Although the cases were unrelated, the PJ said that both cases are

Briefs | Lei Chan U questions zone E1 sewage treatment plan

Lawmaker Lei Chan U has questioned the necessity of building a sewage treatment facility in zone E1, according to an interpellation he recently submitted to the government. The lawmaker pointed

Police crackdown on illegal car racing

The Public Security Police Force (PSP) has intercepted five vehicles suspected of being modified and used in illegal car racing. According to the PSP’s statement yesterday, the force had received several

New Government | Two to three secretaries will stay, announcement this week

The next Chief Executive, Ho Iat Seng, who has been elected in Macau and appointed in Beijing for several months, has been silent about his choice of government officials, but

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