Ji Xianzheng inaugurated at Forum Macao

Ji Xianzheng was inaugurated yesterday as the new Secretary-General of the Permanent Secretariat of the Forum for Economic and Trade Co-operation between China and Portuguese-speaking Countries –

Gov’t finally retrieves plots A3 and A4 of Nam Van

The government has finally retrieved two plots of land located at Nam Van Bay, identified as Lots A3 and A4. The two adjacent plots, totaling 8,732

UM points to Hong Kong university as benchmark for tuition fee hike

The University of Macau (UM) has justified hiking tuition fees by up to 40% by explaining that the university took into consideration tuition fees in Hong

MUST survey finds local consumers losing confidence in spending

Macau consumers showed less confidence spending on commodities in the fourth quarter of last year, according to a study by the Macau University of Science

Covid-19 | Tianjin on partial lockdown after omicron found

State broadcaster CCTV said the government has divided Tianjin and its 14 million residents into three levels of restrictions, starting with lockdown areas where people are

Diplomacy | Beijing accuses US of inciting Lithuania over Taiwan

Beijing yesterday accused Washington of inciting Lithuania to “contain China” in a feud over the status of self-ruled Taiwan after U.S. officials expressed support for the

Diplomacy | Arab Gulf foreign ministers head to Beijing for meetings

Foreign ministers from Saudi Arabia and other Arab Gulf states are visiting Beijing for meetings with officials from the world’s second largest economy, a leading consumer

Sri Lanka seeks Chinese debt restructuring amid crisis

The president of debt-ridden Sri Lanka yesterday asked China for the restructuring of its loans and access to preferential credit for imports of essential goods, as

Philippines | Authorities report third day of record virus cases

The Philippines yesterday reported a record high number of new COVID-19 cases for the third day, logging 33,169 infections. The positivity rate, or percentage of

Uganda | Schools reopen, ending world’s longest lockdown

Uganda's schools reopened to students yesterday, ending the world’s longest school disruption due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The reopening caused traffic congestion in some areas of

This day in history | 1973 First Open University degrees awarded

The first graduates from the Open University (OU) have been awarded their degrees after two years studying from home. Out of the 1,000 students who sat the

Gaming | Newly affirmed, tribe looks at casino plans with fresh eyes

As he begins his first full year in office, the new head of a Massachusetts tribe says he intends to take a cautious approach to

Figure Skating | Chen wins sixth straight US championship

Nathan Chen had landed some of the most difficult jumps in figure skating, soaring through the air with a dizzying array of quads and flawlessly stringing together

Several with grave injuries after NYC fire that killed 19

Doctors worked yesterday to save the lives of several people gravely injured when smoke from a fire knocked them out or trapped them in their apartments in a

The Buzz | Michael Lang, Woodstock festival co-creator, dies at 77

Michael Lang, a co-creator and promoter of the 1969 Woodstock music festival that served as a touchstone for generations of music fans, has died.  Michael Pagnotta,

China Daily | Racist remarks sign of persistent xenophobia

Shelley Luther, a Republican candidate for the Texas House of Representatives, put the racism against Chinese in the United States and its neo-McCarthyism on full display when she

Tuesday, January 11, 2022 – edition no. 3930

— Property agency confident city will see 6,000 residential transactions this year * Gov’t retrieves plots A3 and A4 of Nam Van * MUST survey | local consumers losing confidence in spending *

Gov’t says Taiwan report on Macau is ‘baseless and biased’

The Macau Special Administrative Region (MSAR) government has issued a statement refuting in its entirety the content of a report issued by Taiwan’s Mainland Affairs

Housing prices drop due to Peninsula properties

The price index for residential property dropped by 0.9% between September and November last year, when compared with the period from August to October 2021,

Secretary Ao Ieong curbs association’s CNY dining events

Local associations should avoid organizing Lunar New Year celebrations that involve catering, Secretary for Social Affairs and Culture Elsie Ao Ieong recently told the press.

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