Maj. Gen. Peng Jingtang | Former Xinjiang official takes charge of Hong Kong garrison

China's military says the former head of internal security in the Xinjiang region will lead the People’s Liberation Army’s garrison in Hong Kong, in the latest

North Korea fires possible missile into sea amid stalled talks

North Korea yesterday fired what appeared to be a ballistic missile into its eastern sea, its second launch in a week, following leader Kim Jong Un’s calls

Nicaragua | Ortega sworn in for fourth straight term as president

Nicaragua President Daniel Ortega was sworn in for a fourth consecutive term yesterday following elections considered rigged and on a day marked by sanctions from

This day in history | 1976 Crime writer Agatha Christie dies

The British author, who sold an estimated 300 million books during her lifetime, had been in poor health for several years. She died at her home in Wallingford in

Timber | Trade data: Myanmar teak exports helping fund military rule

American companies are still importing teak from Myanmar despite sanctions imposed after the military seized power last year, a report based on trade data said yesterday.

‘Godfather of Huaiyang Cuisine’ highlights culinary heritage at The Londoner restaurant

Located in a space modelled on the aesthetic of classic Chinese gardens, guests can “enjoy premium, authentic Huaiyang delicacies offering a perfect combination of taste and presentation.” Recognized

Three Melco team members receive hotelier awards

Three employees of Melco Resorts & Entertainment have received awards for hoteliers of the year at Stelliers Greater China 2021, the gaming operator announced in a statement.  The three

Winter Games | Biathlon retirements mean new hopefuls take aim at Olympics

A flurry of retirements since the 2018 Winter Games left only a few athletes who will defend their Olympic biathlon titles, and the battle for gold will

Harvard doesn’t have to pay prof’s legal fees, court finds

Harvard University is not required to pay legal defense fees for a professor who was found guilty of hiding his ties to a Chinese-run recruitment program, Massachusetts’ highest

China Daily | Region must stand together to oppose attempts to instigate color revolutions

Kazakhstan designated Monday as a National Day of Mourning to commemorate the civilians, police officers and soldiers who died in the rioting that started early last week in

Wednesday, January 12, 2022 – edition no. 3931

— Amid concession renewal uncertainty, Fitch Ratings says Western operators will not be ‘treated differently’ * Beijing investigates over 17,000 cross-border gambling ops * Anyang | China locks down third city amid

Breaking News: In first, US surgeons transplant pig heart into human patient

In a medical first, doctors transplanted a pig heart into a patient in a last-ditch effort to save his life and a Maryland hospital said Monday that he's doing

THE CONVERSATION | What will 2022 bring in the way of misinformation on social media? 3 experts weigh in

At the end of 2020, it seemed hard to imagine a worse year for misinformation on social media, given the intensity of the presidential election and

FSS reminds employers to pay contributions

The Social Security Fund (FSS) reminds employers to pay mandatory system contributions for their local long-term employees for the fourth quarter of 2021. In addition, arbitrary system beneficiaries can

Security Secretary encourages police to ‘work pragmatically’

 Foreseeing that law enforcement will be increasingly challenging due to a changing environment, Secretary for Security Wong Sio Chak encouraged local police to keep up their

Real estate | Centaline: city will see 6,000 residential transactions this year

A regional property agency in Macau forecasts that the city will see at least 6,000 transactions of residential properties this year. Centaline Property held a

Association reunites performers with disabilities for Fringe

The Comuna de Pedra arts and cultural association is once again participating in the Macao City Fringe with the second edition of Todos Fest! until January

Jollibee opens third branch in Fai Chi Kei

Philippines fast food giant Jollibee opened its third branch in Fai Chi Kei yesterday, just after four months of opening its Taipa branch. The catering chain opened its

Crime | University student accused of sexually harassing tourist

A 23-year-old man from the mainland, studying in a local university, is accused of sexually harassing a 20-year-old mainland woman visiting Macau as a tourist, the Public

Crime | Man detained by PJ for false crime accusation

The Judiciary Police (PJ) have detained a 33-year-old man, a non-resident worker in the civil construction sector, for having made a false criminal accusation, a

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