Real Estate Matters: The demand for rental property is still rising…

Juliet Risdon is a Director of JML Property and a property investor. Having established the company in 1994, JML Property offers Investment Property & Homes. It specializes in managing properties

project poker | Control what you can

If you follow my Twitter feed, then you know that near the start of the World Series of Poker, I tweeted, "Didn't think it was possible to run this bad

China probes automakers, technology firms

On Wednesday, a regulator said Chrysler and Germany’s Audi will be punished for violating anti-monopoly rules. Mercedes Benz and Japanese companies also are under scrutiny. A probe of Microsoft was

melco announces stock repurchase program

market repurchases of up to an aggregate of USD500 million of their trading value until the expiry of the Company’s current share repurchase mandate granted to the board of directors

Mozambique forecasts more exports to the USA

Minister Armando Inroga said the figure represented a major increase in Mozambican exports to the American market, which in the last five years have stood at around US$76 million. He

Angola the sub-Saharan country with highest growth since 2007

Angola has posted the highest economic growth in sub-Saharan Africa since 2007 and stands among countries with the highest per capita gross domestic product, the director of the Department of

Volunteers step up in response to quake

Minutes after the deadly earthquake shook western China, disaster teams were on the move. Within hours, food, tents, and even a 4G cellphone network were in place, showing how a fast-developing China can

THAILAND | Australian case casts spotlight on business of surrogacy

For thousands of well-off childless couples, the dream of having a baby is often realized in places like Thailand and India. Ready to help them are young women who become

CAMBODIA | UN-backed tribunal convicts 2 Khmer Rouge leaders to life

Three and a half decades after the fall of Cambodia’s Khmer Rouge, a U.N.-backed tribunal yesterday sentenced two top leaders of the former regime to life in prison for crimes against humanity

RUSSIA | Moscow bans Western food over Ukraine sanctions

Russia yesterday banned most food imports from the West in retaliation for sanctions over Ukraine — a sweeping move that will cost Western farmers billions of dollars but could also

SOUTH AFRICA | Prosecutor: Oscar Pistorius is ‘appalling witness’ 

Oscar Pistorius was an “appalling witness” who repeatedly lied in his testimony in a crude attempt to defend against a murder charge for killing girlfriend Reeva Steenkamp, the chief prosecutor

Lawyer: Snowden gets 3 more years in Russia

NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden has been granted permission to stay in Russia for three more years, his lawyer said yesterday. Snowden last year was granted temporary asylum of one year in Russia, but that

This day in history: 2001 Hollywood’s ‘golden couple’ divorce

The final decree came just hours after Kidman and Cruise separately attended the première of their new film, The Others. Both were reluctant to comment on their impending divorce at the

Offbeat | Swiss Parliament suspends woman over naked selfie

The Swiss Parliament says it has suspended an employee after a naked picture she took of herself at work found its way into the media. The Parliament said this week that

Arsenal, Porto head Champions League playoffs draw

Arsenal and Porto are among the big clubs entering the Champions League qualifying campaign when the draw for the last-round playoffs is held today. Arsenal, chasing a 17th straight group-stage campaign,

Chinese company involved in Portuguese sports corruption case

The Atletico Clube de Portugal – a Portuguese football club whose sports corporation (SAD) is owned by a Chinese company – is under investigation with regards to manipulation, corruption and

World views | Ebola: The Economics of Infection

Ebola is a truly frightening disease, with a fatality rate as high as 95 percent (although the death rate in the current outbreak in West Africa is only 55-60 percent).

The dangerous days of Pins aND PassWords

Here’s one tip to make your password(s) safer and easy to remember: think of a sentence and use just the first letter of each word — as in "tqbfjotld" for

Friday, August 8, 2014 – edition no. 2125

* Hungry Ghost Festival this weekend: Macau’s paper crafters fading with the years * Sands workers’ protest loses support * More illegal inns involved in criminal activity * Cambodia tribunal convicts Khmer Rouge

‘Journey’ – nice ingredients, bland result

Take one Oscar-winning British actress. Add an appealing supporting cast. Lather on the picturesque French countryside. Sprinkle liberally with gorgeous food shots, from bubbling, spicy Indian delicacies to perfectly composed

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