Corporate Bits | The Venetian bringing the Philadelphia orchestra back to Macau

CEM’s Energizing Tour was first launched in 2009, and since then has attracted more than 24,000 citizens to visit Coloane Power Station. To encourage visitors to provide feedback on the Tour,

Corporate Bits | Sands China recognized by hk environmental protection department

A ceremony co-organized by the ENB and Hong Kong Exchanges as well as Clearing Limited (HKEx) to launch the CFR was held last month, and was attended by representatives of

Corporate Bits | MGM: Five dining outlets recognized by tourist office

The scheme’s winners are recognized with awards that reflect consistently high levels of service through a series of stringent assessments, including a service management system audit and the mystery shopping

Corporate Bits: Belvedere Bodka announces partnership with James Bond spectre

To vodka house will release two custom made and limited editions. Belvedere has replaced the iconic Belvedere Palace with the famous MI6 headquarters. The’s signature blue palette will be switched

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