Hong Kong | Billionaire Kwok jailed 5 years for corrupting official

Billionaire Thomas Kwok, the former Sun Hung Kai Properties Ltd. co-chairman, was sentenced to five years in jail and fined HK$500,000 (USD64,460) for conspiring to corrupt Hong Kong’s No. 2

Hong Kong | Elite’s mistresses, gangsters unveiled in graft trial

  Hong Kong’s highest-profile corruption trial opened the door on a world of fine wine, race horses and mistresses – exposing cozy ties between government and big business as protesters demanding

Hong Kong | Mainland media says protesters are foreign puppets

China’s media is ratcheting up the rhetoric against Hong Kong’s pro-democracy movement, saying protesters risk becoming foreign puppets. In an editorial yesterday in the English-language daily Global Times, the paper linked

HONG KONG | Students, officials talk but don’t agree

Hong Kong student leaders and government officials talked but agreed on little yesterday as the city’s Beijing-backed leader reaffirmed his unwillingness to compromise on the key demand of activists camped

Hong Kong | Who leaked about Leung? Faceoff runs from chainsaws to whispers

The battle for Hong Kong’s future is being fought with bamboo barricades and bags of dirty tricks. Like in the pages of an airport thriller, potentially embarrassing tip offs are being

Hong Kong | Police battle protesters to regain control of key road

Hong Kong police said they would investigate a complaint alleging officers beat a pro-democracy protester during clashes early yesterday morning over control of a key road. Ken Tsang, a member of

Hong Kong Leung says ‘zero chance’ Beijing will back down

Hong Kong leader Leung Chun-ying said there is “zero chance” China will change its decision to vet candidates in elections for the city’s top position, and that he won’t resign

HONG KONG | Protests reveal unease over unique identity

By road, the little apartments are nearly an hour from central Hong Kong and the protests that have swept through it. Twice that long if you take the subway, which

HONG KONG | Protest leaders may walk away from talks

Hong Kong protest leaders said they will consider pulling out of discussions should the government continue to ignore their key political demands. The government’s decision to base formal talks on the

HONG KONG | ‘Silent majority’ critical of protests

When Beijing cracked down on student protesters in Tiananmen Square in 1989, Bobby Yim was among many in Hong Kong who sympathized with the demonstrators and angrily denounced the Chinese

8 detained before ‘umbrella’ poetry event 

Chinese police detained a well-known poet and seven other people ahead of a poetry reading planned in Beijing to support pro-democracy protesters in Hong Kong, relatives of the detained said

HONG KONG | Demonstrators split on how to end crisis: Street voices

Demonstrations that had paralyzed parts of Hong Kong thinned yesterday after the start of talks with student leaders. Yet dozens of pro-democracy protesters continued to demonstrate yesterday outside the office

Retail chains see 50pct sales drop, survey shows

Sales at major Hong Kong retailer chains have fallen as much as 50 percent during the bulk of the Chinese National Day holidays after pro-democracy protests disrupted the shopping season,

HONG KONG | Protests thin as two sides agree to talk

Crowds of protesters who filled Hong Kong’s streets with demands for a greater say in choosing the territory’s leader thinned dramatically yesterday after student leaders and the government agreed to

HONG KONG | Protests shrink after tumultuous week

Student-led protests for democratic reforms in Hong Kong shrank yesterday but a few hundred demonstrators remained camped out in the streets, vowing to keep up the pressure until the government

Hong Kong | FireChat helps demonstrators overcome traffic jam

Hong Kong pro-democracy demonstrators finding it difficult to communicate over congested mobile-phone networks are downloading the application FireChat about 100,000 times a day in an effort to stay connected. Open Garden’s

Tiananmen legacy looms over Hong Kong protests 

The legacy of the 1989 crackdown in Tiananmen Square looms larger in Hong Kong than in mainland China, where the Communist Party has virtually erased all public mention of it. In

HONG KONG | Protesters at odds over pullback plan 

Hong Kong’s pro-democracy activists appeared divided after some agreed to remove some barriers blocking roads and sidewalks ahead of a deadline today set by the government and scale back their

HONG KONG | Democracy standoff reflects wide rifts in society

The story of Chief Executive Leung Chun-ying, Hong Kong’s top leader, is the type of rags-to-riches tale that is generally admired in this commercially-minded city. But Leung is deeply unpopular, thanks mainly

The Buzz | London passes HK as priciest city to employ staff

London surpassed Hong Kong as the world’s most expensive city for companies to locate employees after rents climbed and the pound appreciated against the dollar. London real estate costs, which

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