Briefs | Police notified as parents brawl at Camões Garden

The Mandarin-speaking parents of two different children fought each other at Camões Garden on Sunday, with police investigating the matter. According to witnesses, lots of children were running

Over 1,600 new companies established in second quarter

A total of 1,665 new companies were incorporated in the second quarter of 2019, a decrease of 55 year-on-year, according to a statement issued by the Statistics

Chui Sai On withdraws bills from legislature agenda

Chief Executive Chui Sai On announced yesterday the withdrawal of two bills from the Legislative Assembly (AL) agenda, one governing cybercrime and the other detailing the

Domestic loans record slight increase

Domestic loans to the private sector in June grew 1.6% from the preceding month to 514.9 billion patacas, according to data issued by the Monetary Authority

Legislative Assembly | Rosário outlines improvements to public works’ typhoon readiness

The local government is still waiting for a reply from the Hong-Kong- Zhuhai-Macau shuttle bus operator regarding the suspension of shuttle bus services when a typhoon

Employee receives no compensation after workplace injury

A former employee injured in a carwash accident has criticized the company involved for failing to provide him with compensation, after he suffered a head fracture in

Faked Macau media pass found in Hong Kong

An online video channel associated with the University of Hong Kong Students’ Union (HKUSU) posted an image of two media passes on its social media page yesterday, one

Protests disrupt Hong Kong work day as leader vows to remain

Protesters filled public parks and squares in several Hong Kong districts yesterday in a general strike staged on a weekday to draw more attention to their

Briefs | Zhuhai: Flex closes south plant as Huawei sales slow

American tech manufacturer Flex International has shut down production at one of its Zhuhai plants serving Huawei Electronics and begun laying off workers, according to local media reports.

Chang’an | The little tech town punching above its weight

Located in the Pearl River Delta and administered by the city of Dongguan in Guangdong Province, Chang’an is a town on the frontier of China’s electronic information

Zhuhai | Flex closes south plant as Huawei sales slow

American tech manufacturer Flex International has shut down production at one of its Zhuhai plants serving Huawei Electronics and begun laying off workers, according to local media reports. It has

Chang’an | The little tech town punching above its weight

Located in the Pearl River Delta and administered by the city of Dongguan in Guangdong Province, Chang’an is a town on the frontier of China’s electronic information development. For years,

Economic diversification | Recipe for diversity starts with steel and chocolate

Pennsylvania edged out Texas to claim the title of America’s most diverse state economy. Bloomberg’s inaugural “Economic Diversity Index” shows Pennsylvania is a lot more than U.S. Steel Corp. and Hershey’s

Corporate Bits | BNU launches Apple Pay

Banco Nacional Ultramarino (BNU) and UnionPay International Hong Kong Branch (UPI) yesterday launched Apple Pay for UnionPay cards. According to a statement issued yesterday by BNU, its cardholders will be able

US against China’s destabilizing behavior, Esper says

Secretary of Defense Mark Esper said the U.S. is firmly against China’s “destabilizing” behavior in the Indo-Pacific region and won’t stand by while one country reshapes the area, continuing a

State media berates US for ‘reneging’ on trade promises

Chinese state media has issued a flood of criticism in recent days at President Donald Trump’s surprise escalation of tariffs, even raising the prospect that Beijing may consider cutting off

Tariff war | Beijing takes on Trump by weakening Yuan, halting crop imports

China responded to President Donald Trump’s tariff threat with another escalation of the trade war yesterday, letting the yuan tumble to the weakest level in more than a decade and asking

UN study finds businesses funding Myanmar army abuses

A United Nations fact-finding mission called yesterday for an embargo on arms sales to Myanmar and targeted sanctions against businesses with connections to the military after finding they are helping

New Zealand | Gov’t plans to ease abortion restrictions

New Zealand’s government announced yesterday that it plans changes to the country’s abortion laws that would treat the procedure as a health issue rather than a crime. While abortions have been

USA | Trump says he wants stronger gun checks, but reneged in past

President Donald Trump claimed yesterday he wants legislation providing “strong background checks” for gun users, but he provided no details and has reneged on previous promises to strengthen gun laws

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