Analysis | Beijing pulling out all stops in Canada tensions

Chinese President Xi Jinping’s government is sparing no expense to its international reputation in its determination to force Canada to back down over the case of

Hong Kong | Ex-leader Tsang released after serving sentence

HONG Kong’s former top leader Donald Tsang was released yesterday after serving time in prison for failing to disclose plans to rent a luxury apartment from

Singapore | Hackers who targeted PM won’t be named

Singapore officials said yesterday that it isn’t in the country’s interest to nab — or even name — the perpetrator of a cyberattack that breached 1.5 million

Japan | Court denies bail to Nissan’s ex-chair Ghosn

The Tokyo District Court turned down a request by Nissan’s former chairman Carlos Ghosn for release on bail yesterday, prolonging his detention by weeks and possibly

Australia | State to pump oxygen into rivers as fish die

An Australian state government yesterday announced plans to mechanically pump oxygen into lakes and rivers after hundreds of thousands of fish have died in heatwave conditions.

North Korea’s nuclear program quietly advances

Kim Jong Un told the world this month that North Korea took steps to stop making nuclear weapons in 2018, a shift from his earlier public

Thailand | Belarus model arrested for sex seminar pleads guilty

A model from Belarus who claimed last year that she had evidence of Russian involvement in helping elect Donald Trump president pleaded guilty yesterday in a Thai court in

Trump’s Cuba policy hurts private sector, new figures say

President Donald Trump’s Cuba policy is driving millions of dollars from the island’s private entrepreneurs to its state-run tourism sector, the opposite of its supposed

Russia | Two killed, 40 detained in new gay purge in Chechnya

The Russian republic of Chechnya has launched a new crackdown on gays in which at least two people have died and about 40 people have been detained, LGBT

South Sudan pursues fragile peace, but people remain wary

South Sudan opposition commander Moses Lokujo flipped through his notes, explaining international humanitarian law to an attentive group of senior officers. “Soldiers are not supposed to

Kenya | Gunfire, blast at upscale complex in Nairobi

An upscale hotel complex in Kenya’s capital came under attack yesterday, with a blast and heavy gunfire. Witnesses and police at the scene called it

Offbeat | Police: Reporter who helped foil robbery finds missing woman

A reporter who helped police catch a robbery suspect last week followed up with another good deed by finding an 89-year-old suburban Detroit woman with dementia who had

This Day in History | 1970 – Gaddafi takes over as Libya’s premier

Colonel Muammar Gaddafi has taken direct control of Libya four months after a bloodless coup that brought an end to the monarchy under King Idris. Since the

Major League Soccer | De Boer takes over Atlanta United with big shoes to fill

Frank de Boer was sacked by Inter Milan after less than three months on the job. He lasted just four Premier League games at Crystal Palace.

Asian Cup | UAE, Thailand make Asian Cup last 16, heartbreak for India

Thailand’s decision to change coaches continued to prove to be a masterstroke but there was last-minute heartbreak for India at the Asian Cup on Monday. Thailand

Takeda corruption probe sullies 2020 Tokyo Olympics and IOC

Tsunekazu Takeda, the president of the Japanese Olympic Committee and a powerful IOC member, again denied corruption allegations against him, suggesting on Tuesday that any guilt was

World briefs

HONG KONG’s former top leader Donald Tsang was released yesterday after serving time in prison for failing to disclose plans to rent a luxury apartment from a

The Buzz | Abe, Merkel top the bill for ‘globalization 4.0’ at Davos

Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe and German Chancellor Angela Merkel will top the list of leaders attending the World Economic Forum’s annual meeting next week after the withdrawal

Netflix raising prices for 58M US subscribers as costs rise

Netflix is raising its U.S. prices by 13 percent to 18 percent, its biggest increase since the company launched its streaming service 12 years ago. Its most

World Views | Donald Trump should stop misusing the military

With Congress refusing to provide USD5.7 billion for his wall on the Mexican border, President Trump has said he may fund it with money diverted from the Defense

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