New IACM waste disposal equipment causes controversy

Some residents in the St Lawrence Parish are dissatisfied about the garbage collection facilities that the Civic and Municipal Affairs Bureau (IACM) is placing in the area. The bureau has

In emails, Jobs determined to keep iPod Apple-only

Legendary Apple CEO Steve Jobs had seven words for a subordinate when he learned that a rival company was about to introduce a program that would let music fans buy

Cathay pilots to start work-to-rule plans, may hurt flights

Cathay Pacific Airways Ltd.’s pilots union will do only what’s required by their contracts from today after discussions about pay failed, potentially leading to flight delays at Asia’s biggest international

Corporate Bits | Venetian and Sands awarded by International Hotel Forum Organization

The International Hotel Forum has been held annually since 2001 and gives special recognition to hotels in China that constantly deliver excellent guest experiences. After a rigorous selection process, The

Mozambique among the 3 African economies with highest growth by 2019

Mozambique is one of three countries that stand out for their growth in Africa, a continent that will become increasingly important in economic terms in the coming years, according to

Angola | Investments exceed USD7.7b in 2014

Approved investments along with those still under review by Angola’s National Agency for Private Investment (ANIP) in 2014 exceeded USD7.7 billion, the president of the agency announced at a meeting

Beijing among biggest losers in corruption ranking

China fell to 100th place on the list, down from 80th last year, the watchdog group said in its annual Corruption Perceptions Index. Turkey slid to 64th place from 53rd

US seeks more evidence to pursue fugitive mainland officials

China must provide more evidence about fugitive graft suspects it wants returned from American soil, a U.S. official said as the two countries began annual talks on law-enforcement cooperation in

Mistress of corrupt official sentenced 

A Chinese court has sentenced the mistress of a disgraced former railway official to five years in prison for aiding his bribe-taking as Beijing widens a campaign against corruption to

Hong Kong | 3 protest leaders turned away by police 

Three founders of a civil disobedience campaign that helped spark Hong Kong’s pro-democracy protests were turned away by police yesterday after trying to surrender in a bid to bring to

Taiwan | Ma quits as party chair after poll loss 

Taiwan’s President Ma Ying-jeou resigned yesterday as chairman of the Beijing-friendly ruling Nationalists after surprisingly harsh local election losses, a signal the party plans to regroup for a tough 2016

Cricketer Phillip Hughes laid to rest in hometown

The funeral for cricketer Phillip Hughes turned into a celebration of his life yesterday despite the grief and sorrow still evident from his death. Australia captain Michael Clarke and the

North Korea | Pyongyang’s fingerprints found in Sony hacking, experts say

North Korea may have had a hand in a digital attack against Sony Pictures that used destructive malware to disable systems and destroy data, according to two people with the

There can be only 1: N. Korean leader’s name banned

In North Korea, there can be only one Kim Jong Un. A South Korean official said yesterday that Pyongyang forbids its people from using the same name as the young absolute leader. The

India | Survivors mark 30th anniversary of Bhopal disaster 

Hundreds of survivors of the Bhopal gas leak took to the streets yesterday to mark the 30th anniversary of the world’s worst industrial disaster, with protests demanding harsher punishments for

South Korea | 11 more bodies recovered near sunken ship 

Fishermen recovered 11 more bodies from the western Bering Sea yesterday near where a South Korean fishing ship sank earlier this week. The bodies appear to be from the ship lost

Japan | Space explorer to blow crater in asteroid 

A Japanese space explorer took off yesterday on a six-year journey to blow a crater in a remote asteroid and bring back rock samples in hopes of gathering clues to

Russia | Recession signs mount as central bank stems ruble losses

Russia’s economic pain worsened as a measure of services dropped to the lowest point since May 2009 and the central bank attempted to stem the ruble’s biggest slide in 16

Israel | Lawmakers approve dissolving parliament 

Israeli lawmakers overwhelmingly approved a motion yesterday to dissolve the Knesset in a preliminary vote, paving the way for early elections after Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu failed to iron out

USA | New lawsuit brings Cosby abuse claims into court 

A lawsuit by a woman who claims Bill Cosby molested her when she was 15 years old has moved allegations of sexual misconduct against the comedian from the court of

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