Fire department to hire over 400 more workers

A spokesperson from CB told the Times that the department submitted the advice about expanding the department to the CE after evaluating how circumstances will change in the upcoming five

MHAA calls for a cultural heritage material database

The association sent a delegation to join the 20th Biennial Conference of the European Association for Chinese Studies (EACS), which took place in Portugal between July 22 and 26. Before attending

EDUCATION | Local students crowned in global software contests

However, they were in fact already champions, having won local software competitions organized by the Macau Productivity and Technology Transfer Center (CPTTM) this May. Only five competitors stood out as

Scholar finds one-candidate CE election ‘worrying’

Professor Ieong Wan Chong from the Macau Polytechnic Institute (IPM) has said that he is both pleased with, and concerned by, the fact that there is only one candidate in

GAMING | Packer’s USD4b Vegas bet fuels Crown risk

The last time billionaire James Packer bet on Las Vegas’s casino industry he lost A$1.37 billion (USD1.28 billion). Bond risk on his Crown Resorts Ltd. has risen to a five-month

Samsung, Apple agree to drop lawsuits outside US

Samsung and Apple Inc. have agreed to end all patent lawsuits between each other outside the U.S. in a step back from three years of legal hostilities between the world’s two

HK court: Tycoon can sue Google over autocomplete 

A court has ruled that a Hong Kong tycoon can sue Google over its autocomplete results suggesting he has links to organized crime. In a judgment released yesterday, the court dismissed

Corporate Bits | Five Sands China restaurants win wine spectator restaurant awards

The distinction by Wine Spectator is given to restaurants across the world for quality wine list selections and presentation, awarded at three levels: the Award of Excellence, the Best of

Angola | Gov’t lowers projected economic growth in 2014 to 6 pct

During the summit meeting between the United States and about 50 African leaders under way since Monday in Washington, Vicente stated that the growth rates result from “improvements in the

China sells trains to Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

The trains were obtained from the state-owned China CNR Corporation Limited and comprise four trains with four carriages each. Each train can carry 1,200 passengers. The new trains are equipped with

Intervention process completed for failed bank in São Tomé and Príncipe

The Central Bank of São Tomé and Príncipe has declared that the intervention process involving Island Bank, a failed private bank sold to Energy Bank, has been completed, the head

Concerns grow over rights lawyer Gao Zhisheng’s release 

A fiery critic of China’s authoritarian government whose imprisonment and accounts of torture triggered international criticism of Beijing appears set for release yesterday amid concerns he will continue to be denied freedom

Quake death toll jumps to 589 as rescuers find scores of bodies

The death toll in southern China’s earthquake jumped from 410 to 589 yesterday as search and rescue teams found scores more bodies while pushing into isolated mountain communities to clear debris from

Xinjiang chief signals new curbs on births, beards and veils

Southern Xinjiang will “implement family planning policy equally on all ethnic groups, to lower and stabilize an appropriate birth rate,” Zhang Chunxian wrote in the August edition of Qiushi, an

SENKAKU-DIaoYU ISLANDS DISPUTE | Them’s fighting words! The politics of place names 

  Is it the Persian Gulf or the Arabian Gulf? Mount McKinley or Denali? Mumbai or Bombay? Some geographic names don’t just tell us where we live or where we’re going. They’re

JAPAN | Hiroshima marks 69th anniversary of atomic bombing

Japan marked the 69th anniversary of the atomic bombing of Hiroshima yesterday, as Mayor Kazumi Matsui called on U.S. President Barack Obama and other world leaders to visit the city

INDONESIA | Court begins hearing election dispute

Indonesia’s Constitutional Court yesterday began hearing a challenge of the result of the country’s July 9 presidential election, in which Jakarta Gov. Joko Widodo was declared victor. Losing candidate Prabowo Subianto

PHILIPPINES | Arrested militant: Terror suspect alive

A captured Abu Sayyaf commander told investigators that a top Southeast Asian terror suspect, who the military reported was killed in a U.S.-backed airstrike two years ago, is alive and

GAZA | Indirect Israel-Hamas talks start in Cairo

Israel and Hamas began indirect talks on a new border deal for the blockaded Gaza Strip as a cease-fire ending their month-long war entered its second day yesterday. Israel has said it wants

USA-AFRICA | Obama announces USD33B in commitments

  President Barack Obama announced USD33 billion in commitments yesterday aimed at shifting U.S. ties with Africa beyond humanitarian aid and toward more equal economic partnerships. The bulk of the commitments came from private-sector

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