World Views | What are dark patterns? An online media expert explains

  Dark patterns are design elements that deliberately obscure, mislead, coerce and/or deceive website visitors into making unintended and possibly harmful choices. Dark patterns can be found in many kinds of sites

World Views | Biden wants to crack down on bank mergers – here’s why that could help consumers and the economy

  President Joe Biden signed a sweeping executive order on July 9, 2021, that aims to increase competition throughout the U.S. economy. In one of the order’s most significant provisions, he

World Views | There’s a long history of dances being pilfered for profit – and TikTok is the latest battleground

In January 2020, 14-year-old Jalaiah Harmon created what would become one of the biggest viral dance sensations on TikTok. But few users knew that Harmon, who is Black, invented the dance,

World Views | Psychological tips for resisting the Internet’s grip

  “22 of the Cutest Baby Animals,” the headline said. “You won’t believe number 11!” Despite an impending deadline – not to mention my skepticism (how cute could they possibly be?) –

World Views | Far more adults don’t want children than previously thought

  Fertility rates in the United States have plunged to record lows, and this could be related to the fact that more people are choosing not to have children. But just how

World Views | China’s ‘one-child policy’ left at least 1 million bereaved parents childless and alone in old age, with no one to take care of them

  A child’s death is devastating to all parents. But for Chinese parents, losing an only child can add financial ruin to emotional devastation. That’s one conclusion of a research project on

World Views | Millions are rejecting one of humanity’s best weapons for saving lives: Vaccines

  A federal judge has dismissed a lawsuit filed by employees at a Houston hospital who did not want to be vaccinated for COVID-19, claiming that COVID-19 vaccines are unsafe. In

World Views | Conservative hard-liner elected as Iran’s next president – what that means for the West and the nuclear deal

  Iran’s conservative rulers’ effort to orchestrate the outcome of the June 18 presidential election triggered a voter boycott – but the result may still bode well for ongoing negotiations over

World Views | Why nobody will ever agree on whether COVID lockdowns were worth it

  As an increasingly vaccinated world emerges from lockdowns, lots of people are talking about whether the fight against the pandemic was too strong or too weak. Some people argue restrictions

World Views | Netanyahu may be ousted but his hard-line foreign policies remain

  After two years of repeated and inconclusive Israeli elections, the advent of a new coalition government has ended the long era of Benjamin Netanyahu’s prime ministership. Yet he leaves a

World Views | What’s the G-7? An international economist explains

  The Group of 7 is an informal group of seven powerful democracies: Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the United Kingdom and the United States. The presidents of the European Commission

World Views | Restoring land around abandoned oil and gas wells would free up millions of acres of green

President Joe Biden’s infrastructure plan proposes to spend US$16 billion plugging old oil and gas wells and cleaning up abandoned mines. But there’s no authoritative measure of how many of

World Views | Intensive tutoring and summer sessions may be needed to catch students up after the pandemic

The COVID-19 pandemic has led to substantial reductions in student learning in metro-Atlanta public elementary and middle schools. What’s more, these impacts have grown over time, according to our new

World Views | Can a vaccinated person spread coronavirus?

Researchers had hoped to design safe COVID-19 vaccines that would prevent at least half of the people vaccinated from getting COVID-19 symptoms. Fortunately, the vaccines have vastlyoutperformed expectations. For example, in 6.5 million residents of Israel, aged 16

World Views | The world should learn from India’s Covid-19 cataclysm

The first and most obvious lesson is to avoid overconfidence. A relatively small change in how transmissible the novel coronavirus is can have large, non-linear effects on how fast it

World Views | How Europe can lead the way out of Covid travel confusion

Vaccines are a huge help in the Covid fight, paving the way for reopenings in towns, cities and countries around the world. But when it comes to cross-border commerce and travel,

World Views | When to buy a Lamborghini? There’s no time like the present

For those who aspire to cryptocurrency riches, the entreaty “When Lambo?” long ago became a popular way to refer to that blessed day when you’re finally wealthy enough to buy a luxury

World Views | Cars are about to get a lot more expensive

Cars are about to get a lot more expensive. Manufacturers and drivers should brace themselves. The price of everything that goes into a vehicle is going up. Raw materials — from

World Views | Recycling isn’t dead. It’s booming

Recycling is “dead,” say the obituaries. And if it’s not dead it’s “broken,” “not working,” “in the bin,” “failing,” a “charade,” “a lie,” and of course “too good to be true.” This gloomy narrative has gained momentum over

World Views | Blood clots aren’t the only vaccine side effects worth studying

One can hardly blame people for being worried about the new Covid-19 vaccines when there are so many anecdotal reports of weird side effects — including women experiencing disturbing changes in their

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