Less drug use recorded in the first half of the year

A  total of 374 Macau residents were caught consuming drugs in the first half of this year, eight of whom are under the age of 21, the

Briefs | 26 percent of interviewees intend to change job next year

Twenty six percent of the respondents of a survey conducted by the Macau Management Association plan to change their jobs within one year, because they feel unsatisfied with

ADB trims growth forecast for Asia due to slowdown in India

The Asian Development Bank yesterday trimmed its economic growth forecast this year for developing Asia to 5.6 percent. The revision was slightly below the previous projection of 5.7 percent

Italy’s largest bank to shed USD18.8b in bad loans, cut jobs

Italy’s largest bank, UniCredit, said yesterday it will unload 17.7 billion euros (USD18.8 billion) in soured loans, raise billions in new money and shed thousands of jobs as it

Corporate bits | Wynn donates mop500,000 to Tung Sin Tong

In response to Tung Sin Tong’s annual fundraising campaign, Wynn has made a donation of MOP500,000. The donation represents the 11th consecutive year that Wynn has supported

Analysis | Why China sees Taiwan issue as non-negotiable 

President-elect Donald Trump’s questioning of long-established U.S. policy toward Taiwan is sparking a growing backlash in China and warnings about a potentially dangerous disruption in relations between

Billionaires buying first homes skirt Hong Kong curbs

Here’s how billionaire Edwin Leong, one of Hong Kong’s largest retail landlords, got around Hong Kong’s new property curbs and saved almost USD17 million on his tax bill. He

Labor | Women migrant numbers high in Thai construction 

They toil high on scaffolding, pouring concrete and twisting iron bars. At night, they squeeze into shipping containers with their husbands by the dozens to get some

Myanmar | Reporter killed while investigating illegal logging

A   Myanmar journalist was killed yesterday while reporting on illegal logging in the northwest of the country, police said. “The journalist who was killed was working for

Philippines rejects rebels’ condition for cease-fire

The Philippine defense chief yesterday rejected a demand by communist guerrillas for government troops to withdraw from rebel-influenced communities in the countryside for the insurgents to extend a months-long cease-fire. Defense

Singapore, Malaysia sign final accord for high-speed rail link

Singapore and Malaysia signed a final agreement to build a high-speed rail that will link the city-state to Kuala Lumpur by December 2026. The accord was signed yesterday

South Korea | Park’s impeachment could split ruling party

South Korea’s conservative ruling party is on the verge of a split following President Park Geun-hye’s parliamentary impeachment last week. Kim Moo-sung, leader of anti-Park lawmakers in the

Jakarta Governor sobs as blasphemy trial begins 

The minority Christian governor of Indonesia’s capital sobbed in court yesterday on the first day of his blasphemy trial as he recalled the role of Muslim godparents in his

MH370 search ship leaves Australia for perhaps final time

A lone survey vessel has left an Australian port for perhaps the final time to search for the Malaysian airliner that mysteriously crashed into the southern Indian

Dramatic appeals as Syrian forces poise to take Aleppo

Syrian government forces poised for the final sweep to take the last rebel holdouts in eastern Aleppo yesterday as the international community and aid agencies appealed that

Venezuelans rush to stash cash before biggest bill is voided

Venezuelans were wearily rushing to deposit bank notes or dump their cash savings entirely on Monday following an announcement by President Nicolas Maduro that he was

Putin shows off dog to Japanese journalists before trip

Russian President Vladimir Putin showed off an Akita dog given to him by Japan to journalists from the country yesterday before telling them there is a “chance” to resolve a

Offbeat | Chinese treated to clear views of another ‘supermoon’

Another “supermoon” has landed in the skies over China. The moon shone brightly yesterday night in Beijing, as the smog that often blankets China’s capital and

This Day in History | 1995 – Bosnia peace accord ends three-year war

Leaders of Bosnia, Serbia and Croatia have signed the Dayton Accord in Paris to end three-and-a-half years of war in the Balkans. Under the deal Bosnia

2022 World Cup host Qatar loosens rules for migrant workers

Qatar announced Monday it is introducing long-expected reforms to policies governing its vast foreign-labor force, though the changes still require workers to seek clearance from their bosses

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