Association says same-sex couples excluded from domestic violence bill

Rainbow of Macau, Macau’s first pro-LGBT and sexual minority advocacy group, criticized the local government for allegedly failing to include same-sex relationships in the scope of domestic violence legislation due

Exclusive bus lane trial went smoothly

Security forces in Macau have announced that they want to install an independent computer system to reduce the reliance on a single system for immigration clearance. They say that an

AL rejects extradition treaty in surprise move

The Legislative Assembly (AL) has rejected a government proposal for the extradition of wanted fugitives between Macau, Hong Kong and mainland China, after the Secretary for Administration and Justice hinted

Consultation on AL Election Law kicks off

The Secretary for Administration and Justice, Sónia Chan, said on Friday during a press conference that the revisions are aiming to ensure “the maintenance of a just, fair and open

Donation to Jinan University stirs controversy

The New Macau Association (ANM) is calling for the resignation of Chui Sai On amid claims of the Chief Executive’s “poor integrity and alleged involvement in corruption,” after news broke

Corporate Bits | Sands China ltd recycles over 1,000 kg of waste for earth day

Sands China Ltd. marked Earth Day this year with its “Clean the Office” campaign for the second year running, recycling more than 1,000 kilograms of waste. From April 20 to 26,

China’s yuan policy a rare bright spot for Hong Kong retail

Hong Kong’s embattled retailers are finally getting a break. After mainland tourist arrivals plunged last year as policy makers devalued the yuan, foreign-exchange moves may now encourage shoppers back to

Group of donors suspend aid to Mozambique

The group of 14 countries and organizations providing direct support to the Mozambique Budget has decided to suspend aid to the country following the disclosure of debts omitted from the

Disney lifts veil in sneak preview of USD5.5b Shanghai park

Walt Disney Co. employees and guests received a sneak preview of Shanghai Disneyland over the weekend, as the world’s largest entertainment company gets set for next month’s official opening of

LA’s Getty Center recreates Cave Temples of Dunhuang

For a thousand years China’s Cave Temples of Dunhuang were a popular traveler’s rest stop, marketplace and religious shrine on the fabled Silk Road. Now they are coming to Los Angeles, both

Landslide buries 33 builders; eight rescued

Rescuers yesterday searched for 33 construction workers missing in a landslide at the site of a hydropower project following days of heavy rain in southern China. Eight other workers were pulled

Gucci quits US anti-counterfeiting group after Alibaba joins

Gucci America has quit the International Anti-Counterfeiting Coalition, the second defection since the Washington, D.C.-based group allowed Chinese e-commerce giant Alibaba to become a member in April. Michael Kors walked out

Trade shrinks in April in troubling sign for economy

China’s trade shrank in April in a sign government stimulus is failing to jolt the world’s second-largest economy out of a prolonged slowdown. Exports contracted by 1.8 percent from a year earlier

Turbulence injures 17 on Indonesia-Hong Kong flight

Seventeen passengers and crew were injured when a Hong Kong Airlines’ flight ran into severe turbulence early Saturday on the way from Indonesia’s resort Bali island to Hong Kong. The Airbus A330-200

Kim says North Korea won’t use nuclear weapons first

North Korean leader Kim Jong Un said his country will not use its nuclear weapons unless its sovereignty is invaded and announced a five-year economic plan at a milestone congress of North Korea’s ruling

Philippines | Candidates make final push for votes as campaigns end

All five contenders held their final rallies in the capital, Manila. By 7 p.m. local time, police said about 300,000 supporters of front-runner Rodrigo Duterte, the firebrand mayor of Davao city,

Canada | Massive Alberta wildfire expected to burn for months

The images are ones of devastation — scorched homes, virtually whole neighborhoods burned to the ground. And Canadian officials say they expect to fight the massive wildfire that has destroyed

Militants kill eight Egyptian police in Cairo suburb

Militants opened fire on a microbus filled with plainclothes police in a Cairo suburb early yesterday, killing eight of them, including an officer, in an attack claimed by a local

This Day in History | 1979 El Salvador cathedral bloodbath

The protest in the Central American country was organized by the left-wing group known as the Popular Revolutionary Bloc. Witnesses said the steps of the cathedral were littered with bodies. Freelance

Offbeat | London’s new Muslim mayor joins Holocaust memorial

London’s newly elected Muslim mayor, Sadiq Khan, has joined an annual memorial to the millions of Jews slain in the Holocaust as his first official act in office. Khan made Sunday’s

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