Grand Prix related works to end before September

The committee of the Macau Grand Prix (MGP) has said that they will try to reduce the event’s impact on residents by completing major construction works before September, as well

Chinese celebrity Guo Meimei arrested for WCup illegal betting

Guo Meimei, a 23-year-old celebrity who became notorious on Chinese social media for showing off her luxurious lifestyle, has been arrested in Beijing after illegally betting on the World Cup. According

CE willing to present universal suffrage views to Beijing

Chief Executive Chui Sai On is willing to share Macau society’s views on universal suffrage with Beijing. Having unveiled his candidacy for the upcoming election yesterday morning, Chui Sai On

Sydney set for biggest hotel boom since Olympics

Fourteen years after the last major hotel opened in Sydney’s center, 42 developers are competing to turn two 100-year-old government office buildings into accommodations as demand soars. Elsewhere in the city,

Corporate Bits | Paris Saint-Germain pre-season Game in Hong Kong

In preparation for the trip to Asia to face Hong Kong champions Kitchee FC, and to participate in the Trophée des Champions, Manager Laurent Blanc said that he is bringing

Wednesday, July 16, 2014 – edition no. 2108

* Chui promises big changes in government ‘if re-elected’ * Non-resident workers blacklist proposed at the AL * Sydney set for biggest hotel boom since Olympics * Hong Kong asks Beijing for greater


Sponsored by Cotai Strip Resorts Macao, the Cotai Ring Club and Macao Fitness, Macao’s first-ever white-collar boxing event, Mayhem in Macao, will debut at 7:30 p.m. at the Venetian Ballroom

Maputo regains its place as a trade hub for Southern Africa

Development of the port of Maputo and the railway lines that link the facility, which is used by companies from South Africa and Zimbabwe, will be “great drivers of growth

Business mission from Brazil visits Mozambique and Angola

A Brazilian business mission is due to begin a trip to Southern Africa with visit to South Africa, Mozambique and Angola, said the Brazilian Agency for Export and Investment Promotion

Hong Kong asks Beijing for greater democracy

Hong Kong’s leader formally asked Beijing yesterday for legal changes that would ultimately let residents of the southern Chinese city elect his successor, but he downplayed calls for the public

Coast guard frees 13 Vietnamese fishermen, seizes boat

China’s coast guard said yesterday it released 13 Vietnamese fishermen who were seized off the country’s southern coast in two separate incidents amid tensions over disputed waters. The coast guard said

QINGHAI PROVINCE | Explosion hits airport in Xining

An explosion in a parking structure at an airport in the northwest caused slight injuries to an employee who was hit by debris but no one else was hurt, news

Jailed pastor’s family escapes to US

Three members of an imprisoned pastor’s family have sneaked out of China to the U.S. with the help of activists after complaining about an extended campaign of harassment by Chinese

North Korea pushes farmers for more

Rim Ok Hua looks out over her patch of farm just across the Tumen River from China, where rows of lush, green young potato plants stretch into the distance. As North

CAMBODIA | About 40 injured at Phnom Penh opposition protest

Opposition demonstrators disarmed Cambodian security forces and beat them with batons and flag poles in the capital yesterday, and officials said at least 40 people were injured, mostly security forces. Police

RAMMASUN TO HIT SOUTH CHINA SEA TOMORROW | Hundreds of thousands flee in Philippines from typhoon

Still haunted by a deadly typhoon that struck last year, hundreds of thousands of villagers fled from disaster-prone areas yesterday as a typhoon blew closer toward the northeastern Philippines, where

AFGHANISTAN | 89 killed in suicide blast in eastern city of Urgun

A suicide bomber blew up a car packed with explosives near a busy market and a mosque in eastern Afghanistan yesterday, killing 89 people and wounding more than 40 in

NICARAGUA | Diplomats discuss obligations on aiding refugees

Officials from the U.S., Mexico and Central American nations began a two-day meeting in Nicaragua tomorrow at which they are expected to discuss the possibility of treating Central American migrants

SOMALIA | Hundreds arrested in security sweep

A Somali police official says more than 200 suspects have been arrested in a security sweep aimed at stemming a wave of militant attacks in Mogadishu, the capital. Col. Ahmed Ali

This Day in History: 1945 Allied leaders gather at Potsdam

British Prime Minister Winston Churchill, US President Harry S Truman and leader of the Soviet Union Josef Stalin, accompanied by senior ministers and military staff, are conducting a systematic review

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