World Views | Biden has already calmed the Middle East

Reconciliation is breaking out across the Middle East. A Saudi-led quartet of Arab states has ended a three-and-a-half-year embargo of Qatar. Turkey is seeking accommodations with France, Greece, Israel, Egypt,  the United Arab Emirates and Saudi Arabia after

World Views | China’s Very Distressed Developers Are Also Very Clever

Wary of billion-dollar defaults, China does not want its daredevil real estate developers to take on any more debt. Banks have been asked to limit their housing loan exposure, while developers

World Views | America is making me feel like Sarah Connor

Lately I’ve been thinking about Sarah Connor and motherhood. She’s the Los Angeles waitress in the “Terminator” film series who, upon learning that her as-yet-unborn son must survive in a

World Views | Republicans’ electoral theatrics will do lasting harm

  It’s a spectacle that precisely captures America’s current dysfunction: Nothing is really happening in Congress today , yet something is being irreparably broken all the same. In its first joint session, the

World Views | Why China is sentencing a tycoon to death

The bigamy conviction got a lot of the attention but Lai Xiaomin received a death sentence on Tuesday over a much more serious issue troubling China. Lai oversaw China Huarong Asset Management

World Views | NYSE just gave China Inc. one more reason to leave

What’s more shocking? Kicking out Chinese companies listed in the U.S., or a sudden U-turn from one of America’s biggest stock exchanges on its plan to do so? The final days

World Views | 2020 had a silver lining for math geeks

They say that hindsight is 20/20, and like many, I can’t wait for 2020 to become hindsight. But for math geeks like me, one thing was sure in a year of so much uncertainty — admittedly

World Views | Just send the bigger checks already

Let’s get down to brass tacks: Sending $2,000 in direct payments to Americans is a politically effective but economically inefficient way to provide needed relief to workers and families. When Congress

World Views | Covid’s worst should be over by Valentine’s Day

Watching the U.S. Covid-19 data every day, as I tend to do, has been a grim ritual. In my neighborhood, in the places where my friends and family live and

World Views | Boris Johnson unleashes the animal spirits with Brexit deal

The completion of the long-awaited Brexit trade deal comes just as U.K. markets closed for the Christmas break, but things are set fair for next year when liquidity returns. The pound

World Views | If Facebook broke up, would anyone notice?

What would happen if Facebook disappeared tomorrow? Would people suddenly be unable to communicate online? Would the economy screech to a halt? Would anyone be deprived of a good, service

World Views | China just showed how much the world needs it

The world needs China more than ever. Thank goodness it’s showing up: Economic data released yesterday all looked strong and in line with forecasts. The upbeat projections for a strong global rebound

World Views | The world needs Biden to lead on climate reporting

President-elect Joe Biden’s pledge to rejoin the Paris climate agreement sends an important signal to the world about U.S. leadership. But the action will merely take us back to four

World Views | The vaccines that could use a shot in the arm

In a pandemic, trust is everything. Beijing and Moscow saw early the potential benefits of pulling ahead in the race to produce an effective inoculation against Covid-19. Apart from the public health benefits and

World Views | Boris Johnson’s Brexit Divide-and-Rule Plan Is Failing

Wednesday was supposed to be Boris Johnson’s ultimate showdown: A face-to-face meeting with Ursula von der Leyen, boss of the European Commission, to make a once-and-for-all final decision on a

World Views | Don’t let Iran get away with hostage-taking

One year ago today, I was released from Iran as an American hostage in a prisoner swap. I went to Tehran in 2016 with little knowledge of its contemporary political

World Views | Can China’s Covid recovery continue?

In China’s post-Covid economy, there may be hope for the struggling private sector made up of millions of small businesses. It needs to stay that way. Unlike previous recoveries, fixed asset

World Views | Women take the lead in vaccine development

The early history of vaccines is a male-dominated field. The science, which is currently showing spectacular results, is now led by women. Therein lies a lesson about the allocation of

World Views | Zoom won big again. Why aren’t investors impressed?

Zoom Video Communications Inc. has had a monster year in almost every way. The video-conferencing upstart got a huge boost in the spring amid Covid-induced lockdowns, and it’s still a must-have for

World Views | Key question in Cosby appeal: Does defendant’s past matter?

In 2016, as Bill Cosby’s legal team prepared for trial in his stunning sexual assault case in Pennsylvania, the state Supreme Court quietly heard a death row inmate’s appeal. Lawyers for

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