TRAVELOGUE: Seoul: Trains, fast cell service, palaces and food

South Korea’s hyper-efficient capital doesn’t immediately spring to mind when you think of exotic Asian destinations. But this mega-city offers much to tempt travelers beyond a layover from the ultra-modern

NEWS OF THE WORLD | Girls from Brazil’s favelas find escape in ballet

Past the graffiti-covered overpass and subway tracks, in a slum penned in by high-rises, 8-year-old Gabriela Aparecida fixes her curly hair into a bun as she waits for a ride

NEWS OF THE WORLD: Vegas offering all but marriage to LGBT tourists

While gay couples still can't get married in the marriage capital of the world, Las Vegas wants to let them know they — and their money — are more than

The fashion world looks back on Lauren Bacall

Lauren Bacall had one condition when the Fashion Institute of Technology wrote recently to ask if it could turn hundreds of personal garments she donated into an exhibition about her

NEWS OF THE WORLD | 7 steps to stronger, more secure passwords

Rarely does a week go by without news of another hacking incident. On Tuesday, The New York Times reported that a Russian crime ring had amassed some 1.2 billion username

Teens love vacation selfies; adults, not so much

Jacquie Whitt's trip to the Galapagos with a group of teenagers was memorable not just for the scenery and wildlife, but also for the way the kids preserved their memories.

Look out! SOHO is coming to town

Dedicated to providing a world-class gaming, entertainment and other non-gaming amenities to its guests, City of Dreams says it "seeks to revolutionize Macau’s dining and nightlife" with SOHO Macau’s mix

Soho Special | New York City: If you can make it in Soho…

Elisa Mala, New York Special to Extra Times On the island of Manhattan, one of the city’s five boroughs as well as its economic heart, every neighborhood has a way of bringing

SOHO Special | London: Buzz of energy and hunger for newness

Sylvia Hui, London Special to Extra Times Nowhere is that buzz of energy and hunger for newness more concentrated than in Soho, the loud and brash party land of London and the

NEWS OF THE WORLD | Brazilian women celebrate WCup bonanza of men

Jenny Barchelfield, Rio de Janeiro Renata de Mouro Moitinho sambas so fast her feet blur, but her partner moves with the bumbling tentativeness of a toddler taking his first steps. And in a

NEWS OF THE WORLD | Theme park CEO says job is about making memories

John Seewer, Sandusky (Ohio) Standing in the shadows of a USD30 million roller coaster that flips, drops and spins its riders, the head of the American's fourth-biggest amusement park company points

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