Brazilian companies sign USD500m business deals at China fair

Participation of Brazilian companies in the All China Leather Exhibition (ACLE) is expected to lead to current and future sales of some USD500 million, said the chief executive of the

Mozambique | Tourism’s contribution to GDP falls

The political and military tension seen in central and northern Mozambique led to the contribution of the hospitality and tourism industry to GDP falling by 4.1 percentage points between 2011

Angola may be Africa’s biggest oil producer again in 2014

After starting the year at a low, due to technical problems on some oil rigs, Angola’s oil production is recovering, and state oil company Sonangol expects production to reach 2

Mozambique | Tax revenues grow

Tax revenues in Mozambique totaled 100.7 billion meticals in the period from January to August, with just one third left to meet the target set out in the country’s Amended

Mozambique exports USD70m in bananas

president of the Confederation of Economic Associations (CTA) with responsibility for agricultural business. Gomes told Mozambican weekly newspaper Domingo that, alongside efforts to produce quality bananas, prices in South Africa had

Angolan flagship airline plans to fly to Kenya

The agreement signed last week is a review of the aviation agreement signed by both governments in 2011, under which Kenya Airways started flying to Angola. The Kenyan airline currently offers

Portugal announces creation of development bank

Portugal’s new development bank, Instituição Financeira do Desenvolvimento (Financial Development Institution – IFD), is due to start operating this year with starting capital of 100 million euros, the Portuguese government said

Angola expects to receive 4.7m tourists in 2020

Angola expects to receive 4.7 million tourists in 2020, according to a forecast announced Thursday in Lisbon by the Director of the Angolan Institute of Tourist Promotion (Infotur), Eugene Clement,

East Timor pays salaries of Guinea-Bissau civil servants

The government of East Timor (Timor-Leste) week granted the Guinea-Bissau government funding of USD6 million to pay a month’s salary to all Guinean civil servants, the Timorese cooperation agency said. The

Cabo Verde Airlines wants second route to Brazil

Cabo Verde Airlines plans to start flying to the city of Natal, in the Brazilian state of Rio Grande do Norte, starting in November 2015, according to state’s government press

China funds reconstruction of fishing port in Mozambique

Mozambique’s finance minister, Manuel Chang, highlighting the importance of infrastructure for development of the central region of the country, said that framework agreement precedes a funding agreement with the Export

Angola | Japan grants funding to combat drought

The government of Japan will support the Angolan program to combat the effects of drought affecting 1.8 million people since 2012 with a contribution of USD1.2 million , the first

Angola’s first satellite schedule to start operating in 1Q 2017

Angosat, Angola’s first satellite, is expected to be placed in orbit and become operational in the first quarter of 2017, the Angolan Secretary of State for Telecommunications said recently in

Angola reportedly the only country in Africa that makes more foreign investments than it receives

The large size of Angolan investments abroad, namely in Portugal, is already reflected in the country’s statistics, which showed that in 2013 Angola was the only country in Africa that

APEC tourism meeting seen as opportunity to boost region’s image

The 8th Ministerial meeting of APEC (Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation) tourism is an excellent opportunity to promote Macau’s image in the world and one of the most important events marking the

Growth of Angola’s economy expected to contract to 3.9 pct

The rate of growth of Angola’s economy is expected to decelerate to 3.9 percent in 2014 after posting growth of 6.8 percent in 2013, with the agricultural sector offsetting a

Portugal puts 31.5 pct of national postal company up for sale

The Portuguese government plans to sell the 31.5 percent stake that the state still holds in Portuguese postal company CTT - Correios de Portugal, state shareholdings company Parpública said in

Brazil promotes its cuisine in Shanghai

Brazil is promoting its cuisine through the second edition of Brazil Fashion and Food this week in the city of Shanghai, alongside the All China Leather Exhibition trade show. The idea

Mozambique combats illegal fishing by ratifying int’l treaty

The government of Mozambique recently ratified a United Nations Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) agreement on port measures to combat, prevent, deter and eliminate illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing. Following Gabon

Garuda Indonesia plans to connect Bali to East Timor

Indonesian flagship airline Garuda Indonesia is due in October to launch flights between Denpasar, Bali and Dili, the capital of East Timor, the airline’s director of sales and promotion Erik