Disney sued for derailing Fox theme park at Malaysian casino

Walt Disney Co. and 21st Century Fox Inc. were sued by the owner of Malaysia’s only casino resort for pulling out of an agreement to

Corporate Bits | Aux beaux arts wins wine awards

In 2018, MGM Macau’s Aux Beaux Arts received highest honors from three leading wine authorities – China’s Wine List of The Year Awards, the U.K.’s World of Fine Wine and the

Angola | President concludes state visit to Lisbon with multiple agreements

The Angolan president returned to Luanda on Sunday, after a three-day state visit to Portugal in which the two countries signed a set of 13 cooperation

Mozambique | Public debt in 2018 is expected to exceed GDP

Mozambique’s public debt is expected to reach 102.5 percent of gross domestic product (GDP) at the end of the year, with the economy likely to grow by

Analysis | Global trade is at stake as Trump and Xi come face to face

To hear President Donald Trump tell it, he was made for a moment like this: A high- stakes face-off. A ticking clock. A cagey adversary.

Religious persecution | Woman describes torture, beatings in Chinese detention camp

A member of the Uighur minority yesterday detailed torture and abuse she says she experienced in one of the internment camps where the Chinese government has detained hundreds

Dr Patrick Ho | US prosecutors say Hong Kong man in UN bribe case motivated by greed

Greed motivated a Hong Kong businessman to line the pockets of government officials in two African nations — bribes intended to land lucrative business deals and oil

South Korea | Prosecutor apologizes over vagrants’ detention, forced work

South Korea’s top public prosecutor apologized yesterday over what he described as a botched investigation into the enslavement and mistreatment of thousands of people at a

Sri Lanka | Lawmakers linked to disputed PM boycott Parliament

Sri Lankan lawmakers supporting disputed Prime Minister Mahinda Rajapaksa boycotted Parliament for a second day yesterday, accusing the speaker of bias during a political crisis that has

Rights group urges India to abandon plans to recover body of American

A rights group that works to protect tribal people has urged Indian authorities to abandon efforts to recover the body of an American who was killed by inhabitants

Mars touchdown: NASA spacecraft survives supersonic plunge

Minutes after touching down on Mars, NASA’s InSight spacecraft sent back a “nice and dirty” snapshot of its new digs. Yet the dust-speckled image looked like

Kremlin warns of flare-up of hostilities in eastern Ukraine

The Kremlin has warned that the martial law that will go into effect in parts of Ukraine yesterday might trigger renewed hostilities in the separatist- held east.

Syria | Hundreds of bodies exhumed from mass grave in Raqqa

Syrian workers have exhumed more than 500 bodies from one of the largest mass graves near the northern city of Raqqa, once the capital of the

Briefs | Drone-car mashup model takes flight

A scale model of a flying drone-car mashup has driven and hovered across an Amsterdam exhibition hall, providing a glimpse of what could be the future of urban

Offbeat | Stranger returns lost wallet and adds extra cash

A South Dakota man has his lost wallet back with some extra cash thanks to a stranger. Hunter Shamatt thought he’d never seen the wallet again

This Day in History | 1994 – Norway votes ‘no’ to Europe

Norway has voted to reject membership of the European Union in a referendum, for the second time in its history. With 92% of the referendum votes counted

Rugby | All Blacks coaches confident one year out from World Cup

New Zealand head coach Steve Hansen has offered a sunny assessment of where his squad stands less than a year out from a Rugby World Cup

French-American man abandons attempt to swim Pacific

A French-American man has given up his attempt to swim across the Pacific Ocean after a storm broke the mainsail of his support ship, organizers said Monday.

Ex-Korea international Jang gets life ban for match-fixing

Ex-South Korea international Jang Hak-yong has received a lifetime ban from the Korea Football Association (KFA) after an attempt to fix a domestic league game.

World briefs

THAILAND The trial of a Thai billionaire construction tycoon charged with poaching an endangered black panther and other animals in a wildlife sanctuary began yesterday after months of delay.

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