Top 4 schools to lead others along the road to success

The best four schools in Macau will become templates for others to emulate, according to a plan outlined in the Legislative Assembly on Wednesday night by the director of

Raising aged pension would bankrupt Social Security Fund, gov’t says

If the government were to accept the proposal by lawmaker Lo Choi In to raise the elderly pension, matching the amount to that of the subsistence

Leong Wai Man acting IC chief

Since the Chief Executive Ho Iat Seng appointed Mok Ian Ian, formerly president of the Cultural Affairs Bureau (IC), as the new chairperson of the Macao

Covid-19 | Private sector may require itinerary recording, authorities say

Both health authorities and the Public Security Police Force (PSP) agree that private institutions and companies can “force” citizens to record their itinerary on entry

Social media users slam gov’t over health code system

Several social media users expressed their dissatisfaction over the government’s health code system.  A social media user even posted a complaint on the

Wynn’s Ceaseless Efforts to Nurture the Next Generation of Talent

Since first establishing its presence in Macao, Wynn has consistently supported the development of local talent. Upholding the spirit of the SAR Government’s policy of “Building Macao

GBA | Macau lawyer embraces more opportunities in Hengqin

In the future, many Macau residents will come to live and work in Hengqin, and it will be their new home, so I hope the legal

Europe considers new Covid-19 strategy: accepting the virus

When the coronavirus pandemic was first declared, Spaniards were ordered to stay home for more than three months. For weeks, they were not allowed outside even

This day in history | 1950 Acclaimed author George Orwell dies

Until the last, news had been positive and it was hoped Mr Orwell was improving. On Friday morning he had a long talk with a friend about

Drive In | ‘Jockey’ is a winner for Clifton Collins, Jr.

Clifton Collins Jr. has made a career out of being a supporting player. Even if the average moviegoer might not know his name, you know his

TASTE OF EDESIA | Sophistication in simplicity 

The Michelin two-starred Golden Flower at Wynn Macau is now reopened with one of the hottest new celebrity chefs in the world of Chinese cuisine-

Try This By Alex Torrão | Bicol Express

Biden’s news conference takes abrupt, lengthy turn

For the first half of one of his rare news conferences as president, Joe Biden stuck to an organized plan, calling on reporters from a

The Buzz | Pakistan court sentences woman to death for blasphemy

A Pakistani court sentenced a Muslim woman to death after finding her guilty of blasphemy for insulting Islam’s Prophet Muhammad in text messages she sent to a friend,

China Daily | Biden’s problem-solving policies exacerbate those in Sino-US ties

On Jan 20 last year, Joe Biden was sworn in as the 46th president of the United States vowing to solve its problems. Reviewing the development of Sino-US

Friday, January 21, 2022 – edition no. 3938

— Authorities said that private companies can ‘force’ citizens to record their itinerary on entry to their premises, adding it is acceptable to follow gov’t without breaching the law * Social

Breaking News: International flights to Macau to resume from Jan 24: Gov’t

The Novel Coronavirus Response and Coordination Center announced early today (Friday) that from midnight January 24 flights to Macau from regions outside China “will be

Breaking News: Security scanners across Europe tied to China govt, military

At some of the world's most sensitive spots, authorities have installed security screening devices made by a single Chinese company with deep ties to China's military and the highest levels

Three local restaurants lose Michelin stars in 2022

Three local restaurants which have faced different battles during the past two years of the Covid-19 pandemic have seen their star-ratings drop in the Michelin

Nearly three million in Zhuhai test negative for Covid-19

The second round of mass SARS-CoV-2 nucleic acid tests (NAT) in Zhuhai has yielded only negative results, local media reports. According to deputy director of

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