2003 Anglican church approves gay bishop

The Anglican Church in America has voted to approve the appointment of an openly gay bishop. The Reverend Canon Gene Robinson, of New Hampshire, was approved

Magaia provides as South Africa beats Italy to reach last 16

South Africa 3, Italy 2 Player of the match Hildah Magaia called the moment “life-changing.” Coach Desiree Ellis flagged something deeper, though, after South Africa beat

Foreign nationals evacuate Niger as regional tensions rise after coup

Foreign nationals lined up outside an airport in Niger’s capital, Niamey, yesterday to wait for a French military evacuation flight, while a regional bloc continued talks about

Climate change made July hotter for 4 of 5 humans on Earth, scientists find

Human-caused  More than 6.5 billion people, or 81% of the world’s population, sweated through at least one day where climate change had a significant effect on the average daily

Gas prices rising on extreme heat, oil production cuts

Drivers are in for another headache at the pump as U.S. gas prices continue to rise. The national average for gas prices stood at about $3.78 a

Thursday, August 3, 2023 – edition no. 4300

— PJ arrest Macau suspect in Zhuhai murder over petty dispute * Art Macao | Pops of vibrant color for Sands China’s Biennale exhibition * A local swimmer expressed no regrets for

Fitch revises LVS outlook to positive on strong Macau rebound

Fitch Ratings has affirmed Las Vegas Sands ‘BB+’ rating and revised its outlook to positive from negative as it reflects “the strong rebound in the Macau

Islands Hospital: Budget and utility to residents continue to concern lawmakers

The bill that will govern the operations of the new Islands Medical Complex, expected to start operating late this year, was approved in its final reading

MGTO tightens links with Indonesia, Malaysia

The Macao Government Tourism Office (MGTO) has increased efforts to attract tourists from Indonesia and Malaysia, the bureau said yesterday in a statement. In

Three apprehended for drug dealing and sex work

A man and two women have been apprehended for drug dealing and conducting sex work respectively, the Judiciary Police (PJ) has disclosed. All from the Chinese

Lawmaker questions internet freedom in Macau New Neighbourhood

Concerns over access to the internet in Macau New Neighbourhood in the Cooperation Zone in Hengqin have led lawmaker Leong Hong Sai to present a

At least 20 dead and 27 missing in floods surrounding Beijing, thousands evacuated

Days of unusually heavy rains around China’s capital, Beijing, have flooded houses, torn apart roads and left at least 20 people dead and 27 missing, state media

Casino revenues hit post-pandemic high

The city’s gross gaming revenue (GGR) continued to strengthen in July, returning to about 68% of pre-pandemic levels, hitting a post-pandemic high. Data from

New Financial System Legal Regime approved

Legislative Assembly (AL) lawmakers have completed their final reading of the bill that will establish some new rules regarding the operation and procedures of financial institutions.

Construction workers’ wage falls slightly

The average daily wage of construction workers decreased by 0.8% quarter-to-quarter to MOP786 in the second quarter of 2023. The average daily wage of local workers (MOP995) rose

Gov’t calls for Arts Festival proposals

The Cultural Affairs Bureau (IC) is now inviting all registered local art and cultural associations and individuals to submit proposals for local programs and new commissions by Aug.

First cross-border commissioned production of drug for sale

Recently, Far Reaching Medicated Oil, a drug which Macao-based Macau-Union Pharmaceutical Limited commissioned Hengqin-based Guangdong-Macao Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. to manufacture, has completed production in Hengqin. This drug is

ASEAN-China RMB2.1b economic cooperation deals inked

Seven economic cooperation projects worth 12.1 billion yuan between the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area and ASEAN countries were recently signed in the southern Chinese metropolis of Shenzhen.

Guangdong, SARs announce boutique regional tours

  A cultural and tourism promotion session held recently has announced 10 itineraries of boutique regional tours covering Guangdong Province, Hong Kong and Macau. These new itineraries were

Chatbots ‘hallucination’ problem may not be fixable

Spend enough time with ChatGPT and other artificial intelligence chatbots and it doesn’t take long for them to spout falsehoods. Described as hallucination, confabulation or

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