SOUTH KOREA | North fires missiles as Francis calls for greater diplomacy

Pope Francis called for greater efforts toward reconciliation between North and South Korea at the start of the first papal trip in 25 years to the divided peninsula that he

PAKISTAN | Lahore braces as 1 million gather for opposition protest

Pakistan opposition leader Imran Khan was seeking to rally 1 million people yesterday for a march from Lahore to the capital to oust Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif over fraud allegations

GAZA CRISIS | Truce extension fans hope of Cairo talks deal 

A five-day extension of a Gaza truce appeared to be holding despite a rocky start yesterday, fanning cautious optimism of progress in the negotiations underway in Cairo between Israel and

USA| Tear gas, Molotov cocktails in St. Louis suburb 

Police used tear gas and smoke bombs to repel crowds who threw Molotov cocktails during another violent night in a St. Louis suburb in the wake of the shooting of

IRAQ | US: Far fewer refugees on Sinjar mountain 

  Far fewer refugees remain on Iraq’s Sinjar Mountain and a U.S.-led rescue mission is far less likely, U.S. officials said. A team of U.S. military personnel assessed the situation and reported that only

This day in history: 1945 Allied nations celebrate VJ Day

There is joy and celebration around the world and 15 August has been declared Victory in Japan day. The end of war will be marked by two-day holidays in the UK,

Offbeat | Caretaker’s death ends old whiskey theft case

The former live-in caretaker of a Pittsburgh-area mansion has died, ending criminal charges that he drank more than USD102,000 worth of old whiskey that he was supposed to be guarding. A

Rugby| South Africa’s mission the same: beat NZ

South Africa's mission stays the same: Beat New Zealand. Just like in the past two Rugby Championships under coach Heyneke Meyer, the Springboks will open against tournament struggler Argentina tomorrow looking

Bizcuits: The problem with ethics

Talk about ethics in business in Macau and you’re likely to be met with a wry smile and a look that reads “oh, you’re a naïve one, aren’t you.” Elsewhere,

Friday, August 15, 2014 – edition no. 2130

* NETaipa reclamation zone construction to launch early 2015 * Choralife: when a Western tradition goes East * FMG stages protest against SJM * N Korea fires missiles as Pope calls for diplomacy   DOWNLOAD

Lauren Bacall | Fashion to die for

* Movies: Let's be cops * Books: No safe house by Linwood Barclayv * Music: I'm not bossy, i'm the boss by Sinead O'Connor * Wine: The pride of Hungary * Food: Fountain of

A family is tested in ‘No Safe House’

A family's past continues to haunt Terry Archer and his family as they find it impossible to move on with their lives in Linwood Barclay's latest suburban thriller, "No Safe

‘Let’s Be Cops’ falls flat on humor

At one point during "Let's Be Cops," actor Damon Wayans Jr. has a scene in which a huge naked man's groin is inches from his face. That's a good approximation

A forlorn Sinead O’Connor

After a rough few years for Sinead O'Connor, as she dealt with a 16-day marriage and canceled a tour due to mental illness, it's heartening to see her confident image

The fashion world looks back on Lauren Bacall

Lauren Bacall had one condition when the Fashion Institute of Technology wrote recently to ask if it could turn hundreds of personal garments she donated into an exhibition about her

The Pride of Hungary

Located some 240km northeast of Budapest, Tokaj is Hungary’s preeminent wine region, so important in Hungarian history that its vineyards are mentioned in the national anthem. A classified wine region


Late summer and early autumn is the best time to get together with friends, relax and have a great time, because the weather is getting more comfortable before the freezing

the buzz: Colombian journalist killed after security pulled

Police in Colombia say assassins have killed a journalist just three weeks after his official security detail was pulled. Antioquia department police commander Col. Gustavo Chavarro says radio journalist Luis Carlos

UM alumni and staff propose opening old campus to culture groups

The petition was addressed to the Secretary for Social Affairs and Culture, Cheong U: “We demand that the government undertake open and extensive consultation as soon as possible on the

Brazil presidential candidate dies in plane crash

Brazilian presidential candidate Eduardo Campos died yesterday when the small plane that was carrying him and several campaign officials plunged into a residential neighborhood in the port city of Santos,

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