Home prices have plunged 50 percent since 2011, but due to a slump in gaming revenue, the mainland’s anti-graft campaign, and competition from real estate markets in Zhuhai, property agents
Nobel Prize recipients in economics, Robert C Merton, and literature, Mo Yan, will be giving a talk at the University of Macau this weekend. Prof Robert C Merton, who was awarded
A local real estate developer declared that the missing God of Land statue from the Beco Central was not stolen, as indicated before by the Cultural Affairs Bureau (IC), but
The championship will only visit China on September 27 at the Shanghai International Circuit. The season finale is taking place on November 22, as WTCC’s first night race at Losail,
Over 450,000 passengers used the Macau International Airport (MIA) in November, representing an increase of 9.5 percent year-on-year. Aircraft movements reached over 4,600 in November, representing an 11.5 increase from
The Commission Against Corruption (CCAC) 2013 Annual Report published yesterday has documented the administrative irregularities of several government departments that the Commission has investigated. It has labeled the previous agreement
In the forward of the CCAC Annual Report, Commissioner Fong Man Chong has said that many of the issues in government departments that were discovered by the Commission have yet
Local law firm MdME and Portuguese legal practice MLGTS have joined forces to launch a guide for Portuguese nationals living in or willing to move to Macau, Angola or Mozambique,
Toyota is recalling 185,000 vehicles in Japan and 5,000 in China for a possibly defective air bag supplied by Takata, the Japanese manufacturer at the center of an unfolding safety scandal. Toyota Motor
The two British celebrities have agreed to set up a joint venture with Hong Kong-based Global Brands Group Holding Ltd. to develop David Beckham-branded consumer products globally, the company said
The gala theme is Light Up 2015 and guests will be asked to dress to the nines with an “Elegant” dress code to welcome 2015 in the best possible taste.
One can’t help but get caught up in the excitement of the festive season and approach of Christmas. As we all focus on making our homes look lovely and spreading cheer,
I am mainly a live player, or at least that's what I've become after having transitioned over the last few years into playing mostly live tournaments. I still play online
The Resolution Fund has started the process of selling Novo Banco, the bank that inherited the healthy assets of bailed-out bank Banco Espírito Santo, requesting expressions of interest by 31
The Confucius Institute will have a delegation at the University of Cape Verde and China will open a cultural centre in the archipelago in 2016, Cape Verde’s Foreign Minister, Jorge
One clip shows a girl swatting flies from a younger child among piles of trash. Another has children blowing up used medical gloves like balloons. The footage is on the computer
Students in more than 400,000 schools across China recited the country’s 135-article constitution yesterday in a national celebration of the document that enshrines one-party rule as well as a series
Hong Kong student leaders said yesterday they’re considering retreating from protest sites on city streets after more than two months in the latest sign that momentum is fading in their
China says it will cease transplanting organs taken from executed prisoners on Jan. 1 in response to human rights concerns, although uncertainties linger over where a replacement supply will come from,
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