SMEs pleased with outcome of Sands Shopping Carnival

Hundreds of local SMEs participated in the first Sands Shopping Carnival held over the weekend in the hopes of showcasing their products and services to the local market. These SMEs have

Macau joins list of 250 World Heritage cities

Macau has become a member of the Organization of World Heritage Cities (OWHC), an international non-governmental organization that gathers around 250 cities possessing sites listed on the UNESCO World Heritage

US alleges visa fraud, criminal conspiracy at Saipan casino

U.S. federal prosecutors indicted three people involved with Imperial Pacific International Holdings Ltd.’s controversial casino project in Saipan for employing undocumented workers, making illegal money transfers, and participating in a

TCR Asia confirmed as Macau GP headliner

  The Times has learned that the iconic Guia Race for touring cars, one of the headliners of the Macau Grand Prix, will go ahead this year as part of the

More surveillance cameras underway, gradual border opening in discussion

Secretary for Security Wong Sio Chak has given an update on the increase in the number of CCTV surveillance cameras and on developments toward the resumption of border crossings. Yesterday, Wong,

Greater Bay | Shenzhen emerges as engine of China’s tech frontier

In the northern suburbs of tech city Shenzhen, a forest of tower cranes stand at the site of a cow farm that is being transformed into a scientific engine. Here, the

Top model sees potential in Macau for Russian tourists

Living in Macau for the past 10 years, Mila Just is a well-known face among the modeling, entertainment, and promotion scenes. Less known is that Mila, who prefers to be

North Korea’s escalating virus response raises fear of outbreak

North Korea is quarantining thousands of people and shipping food and other aid to a southern city locked down over coronavirus worries, officials said, as the country’s response to a

Two more people found to have broken quarantine

Two entrants with Hong Kong ID cards are being charged for violating Macau quarantine requirements. The case was reported to the Public Prosecutions Office, the Novel Coronavirus Response and Coordination

Zheng Yanxiong | This is the hardliner china chose to oversee Hong Kong security

Artist. Propagandist. Urban planning enthusiast. Traditional Chinese medicine student. Zheng Yanxiong doesn’t fit the usual mold of a top Communist Party security agent. Zheng’s eclectic background suggests someone who will bring a broad

Over 100 killed | Lebanese confront devastation after massive Beirut explosion

Residents of Beirut awoke to a scene of utter devastation yesterday, a day after a massive explosion at the port sent shock waves across the Lebanese capital, killing at least

Analysis | The gift of waste

Corporate Social Responsibility and sustainability walk hand in hand. CSR purposefully integrates a company into its corporate eco-system and does not impose costs (externalities) on the community, the environment and

DSAT does not favor double tapping bus cards

The Transport Bureau (DSAT) is disinclined to accept the proposal of passengers “double tapping” bus cards, according to bureau director Lam Hin San. Last month, lawmaker Agnes Lam wrote an interpellation

Legislative Assembly | Rumor crime is an ‘attack on freedoms,’ lawmakers claim

The Legal Regime of Civil Protection received its final approval last night at the Legislative Assembly (AL). Even though the law was unanimously approved in general terms more than a year

China, WHO in talks on plans to trace coronavirus origin

China and the World Health Organization are discussing plans to trace the origin of the coronavirus outbreak following a visit to the country by two experts from the U.N. agency,

MUST vaccine expected to be free for Macau residents

The Covid-19 candidate vaccine currently being researched by a team led by the Macau University of Science and Technology (MUST) is expected to be distributed free of charge for Macau

MUST to take breakthrough vaccine to human trials shortly

The medical breakthrough announced by Macau University of Science and Technology (MUST) researchers this week could prove a major step forward in the development of a viable Covid-19 vaccine, according

Wynn closes Yokohama office, remains keen on Japan long term

Wynn Resorts Ltd. said it closed its Yokohama office after plans for Japan to award casino licenses were delayed but remains interested in the project. “The pandemic is having an unprecedented

Transport authority clarifies speed traps and limits

The Transport Bureau (DSAT) has clarified to the Times that reports of motorists being “flashed” by speeding cameras even when obeying the speed limit is due to the different limits

Hong Kong denies mass Chinese virus tests are bid to harvest DNA

Hong Kong denied plans to harvest residents’ DNA as part of a China-backed coronavirus-testing blitz, as deep political mistrust further complicates the city’s efforts to contain its worst outbreak ever. The

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