Policy Address | When pushing sports tourism, esports should be included, says athlete

Esports should be officially considered as a type of sport as mainland China has done, according to Frederico A. Dos Santos Rosário, esports athlete and chairman of the board of

Policy Address | Gov’t not cutting any social support to the population

The government has not reduced any of the social support measures to the citizens in the Policy Address for 2021 (LAG2021), the Chief Executive (CE) Ho Iat Seng said yesterday

Mega sports event allowed to be held per month in 2021, two per gaming operator

Sports tourism is one of the major policies that has come from the Policy Address of 2021 (LAG2021) and is set for concrete implementation this year. In April, Chief Executive

CE explains how he aims to save MOP1b in education next year

Replying to the questions of the lawmakers at the Legislative Assembly (AL), the Chief Executive (CE), Ho Iat Seng, hinted at how the government was planning to save 1 billion

Abuse of synthetic substances worsens

In recent years, abuse of new psychoactive substances, commonly known as “third-generation” or “laboratory drugs,” has been worsening in Macau, according to a notice published by the Office of the

Value transaction of building units in Q3 amounted to MOP15B

  A total of 2,542 building units and parking spaces were purchased and sold in the third quarter of 2020 as per the Stamp Duty record, a decrease of 3.6% quarter-to-quarter. However,

Beijing requires ‘patriotism’ for Hong Kong lawmakers: report

China passed a measure requiring Hong Kong lawmakers to be “patriots,” the South China Morning Post reported, a move to curb debate in a democratic institution that has endured more

Chongqing | British diplomat praised for saving drowning woman

A British diplomat is being praised for saving a drowning woman in southwestern China. Stephen Ellison jumped into a stream to rescue the woman after she fell into the water in

This Day in History | 2003 High security as Bush visits UK

The United States President, George Bush, has arrived in Britain for the first full state visit by an American president amid some of the tightest security London has ever seen. He

Australia, Japan to bolster defense ties amid China’s rise

The leaders of Australia and Japan held in-person talks yesterday to bolster defense ties between the two U.S. allies to counter China’s growing assertiveness in the Asia-Pacific region amid the

Huawei selling Honor phone brand in face of US sanctions

Chinese tech giant Huawei is selling its budget-price Honor smartphone brand in an effort to rescue the struggling business from damaging U.S. sanctions imposed on its parent company. The sale announced

TENNIS | Medvedev wins with underarm serve at ATP Finals

Daniil Medvedev pulled off an underarm serve as he outlasted Alexander Zverev and joined Novak Djokovic as a winner at the ATP Finals on day two of the tournament. Medvedev prevailed

The Buzz | Hong Kong orders building inspections after deadly fire

Hong Kong authorities will inspect 2,500 older residential buildings after a deadly fire killed seven people in what an elected official said may have been an unlicensed restaurant operating in

China positions rocket ahead of ambitious lunar mission

China yesterday moved a massive rocket into place in preparation for launching a mission to bring back materials from the moon for the first time in four decades. The Long March-5

World Views | Why Moderna’s vaccine win is a giant leap against pandemics

The world now seems likely to have at least two effective vaccines against Covid-19 with Monday’s announcement of positive early data from Moderna Inc.’s 30,000-person clinical trial. The result comes a

Wednesday, November 18, 2020 – edition no. 3660

— Chief Executive’s suggestion for locals to ‘swallow their pride’ stirs mixed sentiment * Policy Address | One big sports event per month, two per gaming operator * Amid pushing sports tourism,

Galaxy donates MOP600,000 to Tung Sin Tong for the 17th consecutive year

Yesterday, delegates of Tung Sin Tong, including President Jose Chui Sai Peng and Directors Charles Choy, Terry Sio, and Carlos Lam visited the corporate office of GEG and

Policy Address | Ho Iat Seng admits flaws in bureaus’ recent guidelines

Chief Executive Ho Iat Seng admitted that several bureaus have committed flaws in their decision to ban local sporting activities last week. The Health Bureau (SSM), the Sports Bureau (ID) and

Governance is constantly happening: HIS

It is the government’s responsibility to make progress in its work and such works cannot wait, Chief Executive (CE) Ho Iat Seng said yesterday in his reply to questions from

Policy Address | CE warns residents to brace themselves for 2021

The current economic and social situation is not likely to show significant improvement in the next year, forecasted Chief Executive (CE) Ho Iat Seng during yesterday’s presentation of the government’s

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