Plans to promote Macau in EU underway

The plan to promote Macau in the European market will be launched next year with discounts on the purchase of plane tickets, according to the deputy director of

Gov’t forms alcohol control alliance

The Macau Alcohol Control Alliance was launched yesterday with 33 members, to promote awareness of alcohol control in the SAR. Health Bureau (SSM) director Alvis Lo said in

45 suspected illegal workers found in August

The Public Security Police Force (PSP) and the Labour Affairs Bureau (DSAL) have found 45 people suspected of being illegal workers in Macau during August. The finding comes

Lin Qinghua appointed political commissar of PLA garrison

Lin Qinghua has been appointed major general political commissar of the Macau Garrison of the Chinese People’s Liberation Army (PLA), Wang Hui, spokesperson of the garrison said Saturday.

Inflation rises 1%

The composite consumer price index (CPI) for August (104.80) grew by 0.99% year-on-year. The rise was attributed to higher prices for eating out and package tours, rising tuition

Nearly 40 creative brands showcase products in Foshan

The “Macao Craft Market @ Foshan Lingnan Tiandi” has featured 50 cultural and creative brands from Macau and mainland China. Held from Sept. 22 to Sept. 24 in

Travel agency sector revenues amount to MOP1.6b in 2022

Receipts and expenditure of the travel agency sector amounted to MOP1.60 billion and MOP1.69 billion respectively in 2022, down by 19.8% and 20.3% year-on-year, data from the Statistics

Beijing issues RMB5b of treasury bonds in Macau

China’s Ministry of Finance has issued RMB5 billion of yuan-denominated bond in the SAR. The bonds are offered to institutional investors at a tenor of two years for

Ant Group introduces mPay to A+China

Ant Group announced the integration of seven new leading e-wallets and payment applications from Asia into the “Alipay+-in-China” (A+China) Program, according to the press release of Ant Group.

Residents living, working in Cooperation Zone rises 29%

The number of Macau residents living and working in the Cooperation Zone in Hengqin rose by about 29% year-on-year at the end of August and the trips through

CCAC invites HK counterpart to train local investigators

The Commission Against Corruption (CCAC) has invited Hong Kong’s equivalent – the Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC) – to send staff to Macau to provide training on anti-corruption

CB tests operationality with a drill at Hengqin Border Post

The Fire Services Bureau (CB) has conducted an accident simulation and fire drill at the Hengqin Border Post, the CB has said. The exercise was conducted in coordination with mainland

Macau residents take part in China’s legal professional exam

Around 860,000 applicants registered for the initial phase of China’s national unified legal professional qualification examination, held over the weekend, the Ministry of Justice said yesterday. About 75%

F&B sector records revenue surge

Receipts of interviewed restaurants and similar establishments and retailers surged by 354.2% year-on-year, with receipts of Chinese Restaurants, Japanese & Korean Restaurants and Western Restaurants soaring by 738.1%,

IFTM celebrates 28th anniversary

The Macao Institute for Tourism Studies (IFTM) celebrated its 28th anniversary on September 15, pledging to be “committed to creating a top-notch teaching and research environment.” Speaking at the

Manpower in hotel sector records 10% decrease

The number of people working in the hotel sector decreased by 4,401 to 35,749 in 2022, according to data from the Statistics and Census Service. Receipts and expenditure

Survey shows over 90% businesses will expand investment scale in GBA

More than 90% of interviewed enterprises plan to expand or maintain investment scales in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area (GBA) in south China, according to a survey

Sports facilities per capita record slight increase: Pun

Sports Bureau president Pun Weng Kun said that its survey shows there was a slight increase of 0.19 square meter in sports facilities per capita, from 1.34 square meter in

ID unveils new scheme to allow higher turnover of Lin Fong swimming classes

The Sports Bureau (ID) will not allow swimmers who participate in the classes of the “Sports for All” program at the Lin Fong swimming pool to renew their

IC to hold concert featuring local bands at Lai Chi Vun

The Cultural Affairs Bureau (IC) will hold evening concerts at Lai Chi Vun Shipyards - Plots X11-X15 in the second half of each month, between July and November,

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