Terrorism | Amid hunt for attack accomplices, France deploys 10K troops

  France yesterday ordered 10,000 troops into the streets to protect sensitive sites after three days of bloodshed and terror, amid the hunt for accomplices to the attacks that left 17

Terrorism | 3 attackers killed | Video: Paris grocery gunman claims allegiance to IS group

A video emerged Sunday purporting to show the gunman who killed a French policewoman and four hostages at a kosher grocery, pledging allegiance to the Islamic State group and defending

Terrorism | Bullets not bombs : Paris gunmen arsenal: Kalashnikovs, rocket launcher, grenade

  Kalashnikov assault rifles. Plenty of ammunition. Molotov cocktails, a grenade, a death-dealing Skorpion machine pistol and a few handguns. Plus a revolving light that could be placed on a car

Terrorism | I am Charlie : Hunt for 2 in French shooting that killed 12, 1 surrenders

  Police hunted yesterday for two heavily armed men, one with possible links to al-Qaida, in the methodical killing of 12 people at a satirical newspaper that caricatured the Prophet Muhammed.

Terrorism | 12 dead in attack on Paris newspaper, France goes on alert

  Masked gunmen shouting “Allahu akbar!” stormed the Paris offices of a satirical newspaper yesterday, killing 12 people before escaping. It was France’s deadliest terror attack in at least two decades. French

Terrorism | Charlie Hebdo shootings Europe’s latest deadly terror attack

A gun assault on the Paris offices of satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo was the deadliest terrorist attack in France’s recent history. Some other terror attacks in Western Europe: March 11, 2004:

EXTREMISM | Hunt on for militants who beheaded French mountaineer

France’s defense minister said yesterday that Algerian forces are hunting for the Muslim extremists who beheaded a French mountaineer over France’s airstrikes on the Islamic State group. Jean-Yves Le Drian also said France, which has

AUSTRALIA | Terror suspect had passport canceled 

A terror suspect shot dead after he stabbed two Australian counter-terrorism police officers had his passport canceled on national security grounds and had recently displayed what appeared to be a

JORDAN | Court acquits radical cleric Abu Qatada of terrorism charges

A Jordanian court yesterday acquitted radical Muslim preacher Abu Qatada — known for his fiery pro-al-Qaida speeches — of involvement in a plot to target Israeli and American tourists and

KHORASAN GROUP | Obama opens a new front against al-Qaida

The U.S. decision to strike the Khorasan Group to stop a possible terror attack represents a significant expansion of the largely secret war against core al-Qaida, a group President Barack

AUSTRALIA | Abbott warns jihadists they face prison 

Australia’s prime minister warned yesterday that Australians who fight with the Islamic State group in the Middle East will be “jailed for a very long time” when they return home

AUSTRALIA | Gov’t to prohibit secret service torture 

The Australian government has bent to public pressure by proposing a specific prohibition on secret service officers torturing suspected terrorists. The government had planned to indemnify Australian Security Intelligence Organization officers

UK | Wife of latest hostage issues plea to militants

The wife of a British aid worker held hostage by the Islamic State group has issued a statement pleading for the militants to release him and respond to her messages

TERRORISM | Australian police raids thwart beheading plot 

Police said they thwarted a plot to carry out beheadings in Australia by supporters of the radical Islamic State group by detaining 15 people and raiding more than a dozen

INDONESIA | 4 suspected militants are China Uighurs

Four suspected Islamic militants arrested in Indonesia over the weekend are members of China’s ethnic Uighur minority community and were trying to meet Indonesia’s most wanted extremist, authorities said yesterday. Police said they

ISLAMIC STATE TERRORISM | Beheading spurs coalition conference

Newly outraged by the beheading of yet another Western hostage, diplomats from around the world are in Paris pressing for a coherent global strategy to combat extremists from the Islamic

TERRORISM | Report: Islamic State attracting SE Asian fighters

  Islamic State is attracting a growing number of militants from Southeast Asia to fight in Iraq and Syria, raising the risk they will return to carry out attacks in their

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