Briefs | Public libraries accepting recommendations for 2019-2020

Public libraries are accepting recommendations for which newspapers and magazines should be included in the list of available publications. The suggestion collection started last Friday February

Social workers included in body responsible for their accreditation

Social workers representatives and the government agreed that professionals of the sector should be included in the body responsible for their accreditation. The second Social

Macau in Hollywood topic of conference in Portugal

The representation of Macau in Hollywood cinema during its colonial times” is the title of an upcoming conference at Portugal’s Museum of the Orient on

Hengqin eases building height limitations for towers

The Hengqin district has planned to build itself into Zhuhai’s new urban center thanks to the planned construction of what will become the tallest buildings in Zhuhai,

Health | More locations for flu vaccinations

The Health Bureau (SSM) has increased the mumber of flu vaccination centers to include Hospital Conde de Sao Januário (CHCSJ), Kiang Wu Hospital and University

International business in banking sector retreats

The proportion of international business in the local banking sector retreated slightly in the fourth quarter of 2017, according to statistics released yesterday by the

IPM launches Chinese-Portuguese translation application

The Macao Polytechnic Institute (IPM) launched a Chinese-Portuguese translation application called “Diz Lá”. The application was designed for people from Macau and mainland China who

Corporate Bits | CTM concludes fundraising campaign

CTM has concluded its fundraising campaigns for “Walk For A Million,” raising a total amount of MOP40,430 from over 1,200 donations. Held across November and

Analysis | Who’s going to fix Wynn Resorts? Not its board

Is there a corporate board in the U.S. worse than the one at Wynn Resorts Ltd.? It took two weeks for chairman and chief

European officials: Virtual currencies are no way to pay

European finance officials are underlining their skepticism toward digital currencies like bitcoin, saying they are risky for investors and inefficient as a way to pay for

China’s former internet czar ousted in graft campaign

Lu Wei, former deputy head of the Publicity Department of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee and former head of the Cyberspace Administration of China,

Spokesman says no idea why US feels ‘so insecure’

Beijing has no idea why the U.S. feels “so insecure,” a Chinese spokesman said yesterday, responding to an American government report singling out China as among

Debt-laden dealmakers eyed by restructuring firms

Chinese deal makers that racked up debts for overseas deals and are now reversing course to pay down borrowings have attracted the attention of

Subsidies to reward longer range electric cars raised

China is increasing subsidies for electric vehicles that can travel longer distances on a single charge, while also making it more difficult for battery-powered automobiles

Philippines objects to China’s naming of undersea features

The Philippine government rejects Chinese names given to some undersea features in a vast offshore region where the Philippines has undisputed sovereign rights, the presidential spokesman said

PRC appeals to Trump to avoid disrupting trade

China appealed to President Donald Trump yesterday to avoid disrupting trade and to settle steel and aluminum disputes through negotiation after Trump said he would decide whether

Cambodia | Lawmakers approve lese majeste law

Cambodian lawmakers yesterday unanimously approved changes to the criminal code and the constitution that can further limit free speech and political activities, already under stress from

Malaysia moderating growth in 2018

Malaysia’s economic growth is set to moderate this year from a three- year high in 2017, but still post a solid performance on the back of strong

Winter Olympics | ‘So proud’: Parents’ views on joint Korea hockey team evolve

When the Koreas suddenly began the push to form a joint Olympic team in women’s hockey, angry parents of South Korean players considered public demonstrations against the notion.

Award-winning Myanmar reporters appear in court

Two Myanmar journalists facing up to 14 years in prison if convicted of receiving government secrets appeared for their latest court hearing in Yangon yesterday, one

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