Louis Vuitton unveils pop-up store at The Londoner

Louis Vuitton introduces a new retail experience with the launch of a pop-up store as well as an exclusive kiosk at The Londoner Macao. At the kiosk, client

PLA Navy’s third aircraft carrier ship successfully completes maiden voyage

The CNS Fujian, China’s third aircraft carrier, finished its maiden sea trial and returned to the shipyard yesterday afternoon, according to the People’s Liberation Army Navy.

US and Philippine forces sink a ship during largescale drills in disputed waters

United States and Philippine forces, backed by an Australian air force surveillance aircraft, unleashed a barrage of high-precision rockets, artillery fire and airstrikes yesterday and sank a

PM wants to outlaw cannabis, two years after it was decriminalized

The prime minister of Thailand, the first country in Asia to legalize cannabis two years ago, said yesterday that he wants to outlaw the drug again amid concerns

Russia hits Ukraine’s power grid on day marking WWII defeat of Nazism

Russian forces unleashed a nighttime barrage of more than 50 cruise missiles and explosive drones at Ukraine’s power grid yesterday, targeting a wide area in what President

1972 Israeli commandos storm hijacked jet

Twelve Israeli soldiers disguised as maintenance staff have stormed a hijacked Sabena Boeing at Lod airport in Tel Aviv and released the 100 people on board.

Ship carrying the torch arrives in Marseille amid fanfare and high security

Excitement is building in the southern French city of Marseille, where a majestic three-mast ship carrying the Olympic torch arrived from Greece ahead of a welcoming ceremony

Mbappé trudges off after another CL dream with PSG ends

PSG 0, Dortmund 1 Kylian Mbappé leaned forward with his head bowed and hands on his thighs. Another Champions League dream with Paris Saint-Germain

Protest song ‘Glory to Hong Kong’ now banned in city after appeals court overturns ruling

An appeals court yesterday granted the Hong Kong government’s request to ban a popular protest song, overturning an earlier ruling and deepening concerns over the erosion of freedoms

AstraZeneca to withdraw Covid vaccine after over three million doses administered

After more than three billion doses, the Oxford-AstraZeneca Covid vaccine is being withdrawn. AstraZeneca said it was “incredibly proud” of the vaccine, but it had made a

Russia dependency on China, war and peace in Europe

Over the last decade, we have witnessed a significant shift in Russia’s positioning. Part of this repositioning stems from the theories of “Russian exceptionalism,” deeply imbued with the

Thursday, May 9, 2024 – edition no. 4479

— Municipal bureau pondering the removal of some green poles from sidewalks, the Times has learned * Statues of identity — Gov’t should extend efforts to maintain statues which are part of

Only 8% of MP cases on domestic violence resulted in charges

Only 8.04% of all cases opened by the Public Prosecutions Office (MP) regarding suspicions of crimes related to the law on preventing and combating domestic violence have

Smoking cessation services see 31% increase in past year

The Health Bureau (SSM) reported a significant increase in the number of people seeking smoking cessation services in 2023, underlining the city’s efforts to tackle

Digitalization and streamlining of birth, marriage, divorce, and death registration procedures

The new bill promoting amendments to several procedures of the Macau Civil Code is ready to be voted on in the final reading at the

Police break up pro-Palestinian student protest in Berlin as demos spread across Europe

Berlin police yesterday broke up a protest by several hundred pro-Palestinian activists who had occupied a courtyard on Berlin’s Free University earlier in the day. The protesters

Macau hotel occupancy rate peaks at 95% for Labor Day

Macau achieved an average hotel occupancy rate of 89.2% during the five-day Labor Day holiday season in mainland China, starting on May 1, according to the

Wong Kit Cheng calls for gov’t to implement long-term rental concessions on seniors’ residence

Lawmaker Wong Kit Cheng proposes extending rental concessions beyond the initial discounted period to provide long-term financial stability, following the government’s announcement and clarification on

Two hotel room robberies in Cotai committed by the same perpetrator

Two hotel room robberies occurred in the Cotai District within the span of an hour yesterday. Three mainland women were victimized by an individual armed with

Banned man caught trying to enter Macau with forged passport

A man in his 20s, who was previously banned from entering the region, attempted to use a stolen passport to enter Macau via the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macau Bridge

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